This was my first ever attempt to photograph a moon, and that Blue Moon was so spectacular, I had to try.
Info -
Fujifilm Finepix S4300 -
Focal length 111.8mm -
(35mm equivalent 1051mm.)
ISO- 400
taken at 9:00.26 p.m Wed. Aug.21/2013
Camera was on tripod, set in Landscape mode, flash surpressed, time delay of 10 seconds. I was well away from the tripod when the exposure was taken but I seem to see a bit of camera shake in this shot. Have to wonder if traffic going by on the road would set off some sort of vibration?
Critiques, please. Only way I'm going to learn
Pretty good considering. Have you sharpened it at all via software, it will tighten up a bit. Wonder why it's called Blue? Ed.
(Aug 23, 2013, 01:06)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty good considering. Have you sharpened it at all via software, it will tighten up a bit. Wonder why it's called Blue? Ed.
Thanks, Ed - here's a link that explains why it's called 'Blue'
Blue Moon
Ran the image through Picasa, cropped it, enhanced Shadows but not fill light, sharpened it a bit, added a bit of saturation. Then into PSP, unsharp the mask. Then did a .jpg crunch through PSP to decrease the file size so it would load up on the internet in decent time (a habit left over from the days of dial-up connections

Your comments are much appreciated.
Newmarket Cyber Seniors
(Aug 23, 2013, 09:17)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]What's your thoughts on this, bear in mind the small film size. Ed.
Like that!! Now what did you do to the image, and with what program?
Here's another image that went through PSP, unsharpened mask, enhanced hue and saturation
The yellow color is what reduces the image for me. You got it sharp enough--I can see craters at the edges of the circle which is what you would expect from a full moon image. I would make it monochrome--perhaps give it a blue hue.
I used tone mapping and sharpening on the image. That brought out the contrast. You got the sharpness as well as could be expected. You can see the craters on the edges of the circle. The full moon is hard to photograph. (I hope you don't mind my meddling).
(Aug 24, 2013, 09:06)Don Schaeffer Wrote: [ -> ]I used tone mapping and sharpening on the image. That brought out the contrast. You got the sharpness as well as could be expected. You can see the craters on the edges of the circle. The full moon is hard to photograph. (I hope you don't mind my meddling).
Thanks for the critique, Don - most appreciated. Meddle away!!!
Interestingly enough, when that moon rose here, which is when the photo was taken, the colours my camera captured were much the same as in my picture. Looked far more like our Harvest moon, which happens here about Sept.18/19.