Hello shutertalk

I'm currently doing some food assignment. I want to improve it more. I do love to get critiques from your part.
Aperture: 10
Shutter: 1/60
ISO: 200
Auto White balance
Focal Length: 70mm
Nikon D700
Lens: 24-70mm
Post processing done:
White balance and Cropping only
Also attached is setup how I shoot it with one lighting and two white 12"x12" white cardboard.
Quickly overlooking the photo, I'd suggest in your post processing you do some sharpening (a little), some clarity, and contrast work. BE SURE TO USE A COPY FOR YOUR EXPERIMENTING, LEAVE YOUR ORIGINAL ALONE. I'm sorry, but you'd be surprised at the people I've talked to who've lost their originals doing post processing. Hope your next note is extremely POSITIVE! Joe
(Aug 25, 2013, 17:58)joesamer70 Wrote: [ -> ]Quickly overlooking the photo, I'd suggest in your post processing you do some sharpening (a little), some clarity, and contrast work. BE SURE TO USE A COPY FOR YOUR EXPERIMENTING, LEAVE YOUR ORIGINAL ALONE. I'm sorry, but you'd be surprised at the people I've talked to who've lost their originals doing post processing. Hope your next note is extremely POSITIVE! Joe
Actually this is a second copy of my work. I do have 2 storage hard drive for my home and work photography stuffs.
It's ok Joe, I do love to get positive and negative feedbacks. This keeps me going to get my eyes open wide more to some stuffs that I do love. Thanks for suggestions will try your suggestions and post it here if I get it right

What file type did you upload? Just lighting it makes a difference, personally, would have left more headroom. If it's purpose was to promote the sandwich, I would have done away with the accessories, my thoughts. Ed.
(Aug 26, 2013, 04:26)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]What file type did you upload? Just lighting it makes a difference, personally, would have left more headroom. If it's purpose was to promote the sandwich, I would have done away with the accessories, my thoughts. Ed.
More headroom

Didn't thought of it. Nice Ed

This is tomato beet ravioli and kinda not sure hot to get it right without distraction on the side. Oh by the way No food stylist hired here. I did all the works from food preparation to plating and some food tasting

Client have small budget and she don't want to hire a food stylist, she just want to have it shot for her book. Yeah and as a photographer I want it more presentable and awesome as much as possible.