Hi all, i am 34, i live in Leicestershire in England with my wife and 4 children. new to photography, i have found that my camera is glued to my hand, i take it every were with me, from the moment i wake up to when i go to sleep. i have took to calling myself a happy snapper lol,. since i have been viewing the world through my lens i have seen it completely different. wow what a world we live in. i have a Nikon D3100, with a standard 17-55mm and a sigma 70-200mm lens, i also have bought some macro lens filters (just to try macro) before i spend on a proper macro lens. and i aim to purchase a 35mm F1.8D for close up portraits, i bought this DSLR as it was recommended for a newby and i have found its guide setting helpful. i havn't been using it long but i have already entered into the manual world of photography and learning (via web) about settings lighting etc. i will post some pics later when i am home on my PC. i start an adult course for beginners in sept to hopefully give me more understanding to digital photography and master manual raw. i do look forward to speaking, viewing, learning and sharing with you all.
welcome, fm. I have a feeling that you probably know as much already as you are going to be taught on that night class, but I hope I am wrong. Have you thought about joining a photographic club? Usually others to bounce ideas off. Lets see some of your images, good ones and those that didn’t turn out exactly how you thought but you don’t know why.
Welcome to the forums! It is a pleasure to meet you and have you here on site with us! Please make yourself comfortable and we would love to see some of your work!
(Aug 26, 2013, 05:01)Dean Wrote: [ -> ]welcome, fm. I have a feeling that you probably know as much already as you are going to be taught on that night class, but I hope I am wrong. Have you thought about joining a photographic club? Usually others to bounce ideas off. Lets see some of your images, good ones and those that didn’t turn out exactly how you thought but you don’t know why.
thanks for the welcome, i am going along to a local photography club tomorrow night, to see how they are.... i signed up for the course before i got my dslr, but i am still looking forward to it as i feel i could benefit from it in regards to understanding setting etc and become more confident behind the lens in other modes.. i have just tried to upload some pics from earlier today on the laptop, but the images are to big so as soon as i figure out how to resize i will post em
(Aug 26, 2013, 07:36)Barbara G. Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
Welcome to the forums! It is a pleasure to meet you and have you here on site with us! Please make yourself comfortable and we would love to see some of your work!
thank you

i have been reading posts on the site for a few weeks now and i feel that its a friendly site that i am sure i will be happy to be a member of

thank you again. i will upload some pics etc as soon as i have figured out how to resize them..
Welcome, funkymunky

Can't wait to see some of your photos!
Speaking of resizing - any image editor you have installed on your computer will do
(Aug 26, 2013, 11:22)Korry Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome, funkymunky
Can't wait to see some of your photos!
Speaking of resizing - any image editor you have installed on your computer will do 
thanks Korry have just got in and gonna give it a go with me cuppa in hand lol
Hello and welcome to shuttertalk

That's great tips joining photography clubs and forums. Its great when people who share same passion can keep you going to click on those shutters and evolve your learning curve. Looking forward to see you more here and posting some of your images

hi photoplay and thanks for your welcome i will be posting shortly and i look forward to all your comments