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Being so new to the world of digital photography, still trying to learn, just wanted to put this photo up for some comments, please?

Named this photo "Jaywalking" because this turtle was meandering across the gravel road right in front of us. Was concerned to get too close in case it tucked itself into its shell. Decided to zoom in a bit hoping not to startle it. Didn't have to worry about catching an action shot LOL.

[Image: jaywalking.jpg]

Didn't want it to get run over, so stayed on the road until it finally got to the other side. Was a very dull day, mid-afternoon in July.

Exif info.
FujiFilm FinePix S4300
focal length - 49.8 mm
exposure - 1/125s
aperture - 4.5
ISO value - 400
Thought I should include a link to the bigger photo of this youngish snapping turtle - they are on the endangered species list.


Exif info.
FujiFilm FinePix S4300
focal length - 49.8 mm
exposure - 1/125s
aperture - 4.5
ISO value - 400


Liz, to me it lacks a bit of clarity and contrast, dull day does not help. post another pic, and hopefully may get more comments. Sorry to sound a bit negative. Did you do any post editing. Ed.

How does this look on your monitor.


(Sep 5, 2013, 12:35)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Liz, to me it lacks a bit of clarity and contrast, dull day does not help. post another pic, and hopefully may get more comments. Sorry to sound a bit negative. Did you do any post editing. Ed.

How does this look on your monitor.


Ed, that looks great. Thanks for that!!

I did a bit of sharpening with Picasa, but should definitely do more with color enhancement, etc. I'll have another go at it and come back with a new image.

Lots too learn - wish there were more hours in the day Big Grin