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Been messing about just leaving selected areas of colour in my pics - I'd like to know what you think of this one
Sweet pic here, I love black and white with a highlighted colour such as this. The colour really draws your vision to the main event! What editor are you using?
PS6 is the one I'm lucky enough to use...had to work out how to get rid of the colour...turned out to be really easy...if I can figure out how to make it an action, I'll post it somewhere, it's not too hard

and, thx for the comments Smile

Easily done, good job, gimmicky to me, not as seen. Used on weddings, shot of bride, only bouquet coloured. Not sure an Action can be made for this? Ed.
True, you can't make an action to do the whole thing, but it seems easy enough to make one to set it up so that you can simply paint-in the areas you want coloured and leave the rest monochrome...and I don't understand your comment 'not as seen', unless you mean that the image isn't as it is in real life..but surely anyone who uses an editor is providing images that aren't as seen?

And I take your point about it being gimmicky, but the gimmick is this particular image's selling point Smile
To me, when a pic is, not as seen, it becomes a Digital Image. I do this infrequently, and advise as such. Just a personal thing. Cheers. Ed.
Whether one likes pop up colour or not, this is still a nicely composed and shot image. Well done
ty - very nice of you to say so

(Sep 6, 2013, 12:22)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]To me, when a pic is, not as seen, it becomes a Digital Image. I do this infrequently, and advise as such. Just a personal thing. Cheers. Ed.
Gotta say Ed that, as the site is sub-headed Digital Photography, digital images are allowable, and I think you're being a little pedantic in your dismissal...also, I use this kind of manipulation rarely - I'm not a wedding photographer and haven't seen the type of pic you mention so offhandedly - so your advice is redundant, and simply seems to be based on your prejudices.

I'll happily look at your pics, and try to give constructive criticism, rather than the simplistic, sweeping dismissal you indulged in here.
just out of interest, this is the original of the above pic Smile
Super Vik, cracking image. Bit of cloning, at top left, or, trim to an upright picture. What camera/Lens. Ed.
thanks Ed Smile

A beat-up. old Nikon D90 through an AF5 18-135 lens...I'd like to afford something with more mp, and some sort of vr, but needs must when the devil drives Big Grin

(oddly enough, going through some cupboards yesterday, I fount a Pentax K1000 - that was a body I loved a lot!)
I won't fill the forum with yet a third version of this pic, but yes, Ed - cloned that extra red out and you were spot on - it looks so much better - ty Smile