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Full Version: Practicing Digital Photography: Trees, Trees, & More Trees
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[attachment=2093][attachment=2094]Here is my first submission! I am a newbie but am enjoying learning. This photo was taken in Cotober2013 in Kananaskis, Alberta after the recent floods: this tree was obviously a survivor. I was using a Nikon D40 for this shot. I look forward to any comments, however critical they may be! The second tree shot was shot in Calgary one foggy fall morning using a D7000


Hello and welcome to the forums! It is a pleasure having you here on site with us! Thanks for posting your pictures! I really like the second one - is the circle on the left side in the trees the sun coming up? Just curious!
First one clicked immediately, second iffy. Welcome. Ed.
(Nov 6, 2013, 09:53)ecraighead Wrote: [ -> ]Here is my first submission! I am a newbie but am enjoying learning. This photo was taken in Cotober2013 in Kananaskis, Alberta after the recent floods: this tree was obviously a survivor. I was using a Nikon D40 for this shot. I look forward to any comments, however critical they may be! The second tree shot was shot in Calgary one foggy fall morning using a D7000
I like the first image very much. Lovely moody shot. One, nitpicking, comment. I am not a great fan of protruding branches (unsupported foliage). It would have affected the composition to have cropped off the right hand intrusion but, perhaps, a slight shift of position to the right might have avoided it.
Second image very nice. I assume that is a very weak sun trying to come through on the left hand side. makes you impatient to see just what is over there waiting to be uncovered.
(Nov 6, 2013, 10:19)Barbara G. Wrote: [ -> ]ecraighead,

Hello and welcome to the forums! It is a pleasure having you here on site with us! Thanks for posting your pictures! I really like the second one - is the circle on the left side in the trees the sun coming up? Just curious!

I wish I could say it was; that would have been cool! But alas, it is a sunspot only!
(Nov 7, 2013, 03:14)Dean Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov 6, 2013, 09:53)ecraighead Wrote: [ -> ]Here is my first submission! I am a newbie but am enjoying learning. This photo was taken in Cotober2013 in Kananaskis, Alberta after the recent floods: this tree was obviously a survivor. I was using a Nikon D40 for this shot. I look forward to any comments, however critical they may be! The second tree shot was shot in Calgary one foggy fall morning using a D7000
I like the first image very much. Lovely moody shot. One, nitpicking, comment. I am not a great fan of protruding branches (unsupported foliage). It would have affected the composition to have cropped off the right hand intrusion but, perhaps, a slight shift of position to the right might have avoided it.
Second image very nice. I assume that is a very weak sun trying to come through on the left hand side. makes you impatient to see just what is over there waiting to be uncovered.
Good point! on moving my position; it would have helped!

Does this appeal? Ed.
Wow EdMak - that really made a difference in the view!
Well guys and galls, as a novice, it makes me nervous to follow a post from EdMac which to me is a superb work of post production. This shot was taken in the Brampton Park, Newcastle-under-Lyme, in the late afternoon utilising a Nikon P500 (Bridge), Landscape Mode, 4.00-144mm @ 5.6mm, 1/160s, f/3.7, iso 160. It was the autumn colours that appealed.

The post production really helped. Well done EdMakSmile
Mike, your link leads to nowhere, please try again. Ed.
Thanks for that Ed. Have no idea where it has gone . Anyway, hope that this URL gives better results.

Makings of a pic, I think, but postage stamp image, and when expanded, no clarity.

Try, Click on NEW REPLY., bottom right, write message, then click on BROWSE, bit underneath message, browse to where your Pic is on Computer, size is an issue, about 7/800 Kbs, is OK, double click image, then finally, POST REPLY, have a go please. Ed.
Update, your imige did improve clarity, when I went back to it, still easier to do as above. Ed.
All it wants is a Sky, and a bit more contrast, nice pic. Ed.
Thanks Ed. You are of course right. The histogram gave a "spike" on the RH side. At this early stage of my learning curve I had not a clue what to do about it. Mike.
Hey guys, all your trees look really cool! I wanted to share my tree picture, but I'm not at my computer and I only have it posted online: http://500px.com/photo/17590723. I think I posted it before here, it's taken through a welding glass.
Bridge Tree, not, Bridge Camera. Ed.
Oops, it thought the period was part of the link. Here it is: http://500px.com/photo/17590723
Curious, why the welding glass? Ed.
My son took this picture of the tree of flame on the banks of Brisbane River in the town ctr of Australia earlier this year, to see these trees is really something else.Smile
I took this shot in July of an Old English Oak Tree.
It is thought to be well over a thousand years old.
Model Canon EOS 650D
Shooting Date/Time 14/07/2013 11:50:15
Tv( Shutter Speed ) 1/80
Av( Aperture Value ) 6.3
ISO Speed 100
Lens EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal Length 25.0mm

Nice one Johnny, could do to bring out the detail on the tree trunk. Where is it. Thanks Ed.
This is in Mottisfont Abbey grounds at Romsey Hampshire.
Here is one of some Weeping Willows in the same grounds

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