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Full Version: Practicing Digital Photography: Trees, Trees, & More Trees
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Arrrghhh, Forgot to add the pic !!

Like Johnny, as for forgetting, look on the bright side, bumps up your posts. Cheers. Ed.
Hi jonny
I think this is same bridge later in the year , November 13 to be exact. I like your sharp image.

These are sentries at Motosfont , owned by national trust UK .
F=5.6 / ISO = 800 / FL=70mm / 1/50 sec

Fountain if you like this sort of thing . : f=5.6 / 1/250s / ISO=800 / FL=39mm

Some ancient mould on a ancient rock. f=5.6 / ISO=1250 / fl=70mm

No smoking in here ? f=6.3 / 1/1000s / ISO = 800 / fl = 240mm.

Yes, The fountain.
I snapped a couple enjoying the sunshine from that exact same spot.
Jonny T , looks like you snapped my auntie & uncle hows that for a coincedance.

quote='johnytrout' pid='91871' dateline='1387113917']
Yes, The fountain.
I snapped a couple enjoying the sunshine from that exact same spot.


A shot taken whilst standing on the 19th century cast iron Craigellachie Bridge which spans the River Spey close to Aberlour.

Nikon D300. F/8, 200th sec, ISO 200, 18mm, M/Mode Pattern, Manual.

Another one from Brampton Park.
Nikon P500, f/4.2 @1/200 sec, iso 160. Nikkor 4.0 - 144mm @ 8mm. ( 35mm equiv = 46mm )

[Image: 10_11_13_0127_edited-1.JPG]
What a glorious sight, it looks good , very good to me , well done.

(Dec 16, 2013, 18:01)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]A shot taken whilst standing on the 19th century cast iron Craigellachie Bridge which spans the River Spey close to Aberlour.

Nikon D300. F/8, 200th sec, ISO 200, 18mm, M/Mode Pattern, Manual.

(Dec 17, 2013, 09:07)john.mcintosh Wrote: [ -> ]What a glorious sight, it looks good , very good to me , well done.

(Dec 16, 2013, 18:01)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]A shot taken whilst standing on the 19th century cast iron Craigellachie Bridge which spans the River Spey close to Aberlour.

Nikon D300. F/8, 200th sec, ISO 200, 18mm, M/Mode Pattern, Manual.

Thank you very much Jon. Very generous of you to say say that. I'm glad you liked it.


This is the 19th century cast iron Craigellachie Bridge which spans the River Spey close to Aberlour, or at least, it's one good view of it.

Techie stuff.
Nikon D300, F/8, 250th/sec, 18mm, M-Mode - Pattern, Exposure - Manual, Hand held.

Some very nice pics posted here. Congrats to all. Ed.
(Dec 16, 2013, 21:11)Browser Mike Wrote: [ -> ]Another one from Brampton Park.
Nikon P500, f/4.2 @1/200 sec, iso 160. Nikkor 4.0 - 144mm @ 8mm. ( 35mm equiv = 46mm )

[Image: 10_11_13_0127_edited-1.JPG]


Your composition and the richness of the colours and textures in the foliage in this picture are excellent and could be award winning. Keep up the good work.

Best regards.

I particularly like the trees in #58 and #61 - Mike and Phil. Smile

Little Red Trees

Photographed almost at sundown, at Waddesdon Manor (National Trust) in Buckinghamshire this autumn:


Pentax K-5II, 18-135 zoom at 31mm, f/8, 1/80s, ISO 1250.


A marvelous photograph. You've captured the Autumnal atmosphere beautifully, all the moor so given the high ISO rating, but not only that, the your composition is well thought out, with the second tree mirroring the main subject.
Phil, ( PhilJ ). Many thanks for your kind comments on #63. Mike.
I know it well Ash, well taken , fond memories.

(Dec 17, 2013, 14:11)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]Jon,

This is the 19th century cast iron Craigellachie Bridge which spans the River Spey close to Aberlour, or at least, it's one good view of it.

Techie stuff.
Nikon D300, F/8, 250th/sec, 18mm, M-Mode - Pattern, Exposure - Manual, Hand held.

(Dec 18, 2013, 03:55)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]Philip,

A marvelous photograph. You've captured the Autumnal atmosphere beautifully, all the moor so given the high ISO rating, but not only that, the your composition is well thought out, with the second tree mirroring the main subject.

Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Phil.

[attachment=2415]This is a very nice shade tree that I love to sit under and watch the people go by. It was taken at the West Wetlands Park in Yuma, Arizona, USA, with a Nikon D7100 and a 18-200mm Nikon VR Zoom Lens. I used 1/15 sec. f/13 ISO 100 and 60mm on a Manfroto Tripod.
That is nicely composed, Hal, and it does look like a good place to relax with a good book and a nice drink! Does the water extend to make a lake out of frame on the right - if so, I expect you would get the chance to photo some water birds there?

In the shooting details, that seems like a very slow speed for such a bright sunny day? (The sunny 16 rule would suggest about 1/125s.)

(Dec 24, 2013, 12:28)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]That is nicely composed, Hal, and it does look like a good place to relax with a good book and a nice drink! Does the water extend to make a lake out of frame on the right - if so, I expect you would get the chance to photo some water birds there?

In the shooting details, that seems like a very slow speed for such a bright sunny day? (The sunny 16 rule would suggest about 1/125s.)

Sorry no birds. They get a few Egrets and a couple of Mallards, but that's about it. It's a small man made pond.
I exposed for the details in the details in the tree and grass using f/13 with a +2EV compensation and then brought the rest down in post with a -1.5EV (read ETTR here in manual mode)
Have you tried the pic with a bit less contrast Hal? Ed.
(Dec 24, 2013, 13:15)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Have you tried the pic with a bit less contrast Hal? Ed.

I tried about four different stages of softness to this higher contrast Ed, but this is the one that fulfilled by vision of the scene. I thank you very much for the input and I'm going to watch this more closely in the future. Hal
(Oct 12, 2013, 19:44)john hen Wrote: [ -> ]These photos were taken during a recent trip to Jamaca.
I use a Nikon d600
The three palms were taken with a 28-300 at 28mm, f22 at 1/25s
The arch was the same lens at 72mm, f18 at 1/80
My 9 year old sun and I would wake up before the dawn to get the best lighting.
The third shot is his and was taken on a nikon cool pics aw 100 f9.4 at 1/1500
He just might have a future.

Thank you for the pleasure I had in looking at your photographs. Dan
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