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Thank you for your comments, gratefully received.

In answer to your question on the bias. It doesn't, the 'Techie Stuff' is a combination of the exif info offered by clicking on properties on the original image. As far as I know, in manual mode, 'exposure bias', makes no difference whatever, it's just as previously set. If anyone knows more on this topic, please jump in and advise. Smile


(Dec 29, 2013, 18:14)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]Phil, I like your Cotswold Way series. One of their qualities that appeals to me is the colour, particularly the green tones. You have produced exactly the colour balance I would expect to see there in your 1st, 2nd, and 4th photos. The odd one out is the 3rd - it is too biased towards blue (which seems strange if it was taken on the same walk) - so if it were mine I would want to process it to match the others.



You really 'got me at it' with your observation on number three, until that is I realised that, that particular image was down in a valley, over which there was cloud cover not present in the others. It just seemed to 'hang there', and may well have contributed to the blue cast. That is the only explanation which is viable as in all the images 'white balance' is set to 'auto'. This effect can also be seen in number two, on the far side of the valley.


(Jan 5, 2014, 06:12)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]John,

Thank you for your comments, gratefully received.

In answer to your question on the bias. It doesn't, the 'Techie Stuff' is a combination of the exif info offered by clicking on properties on the original image. As far as I know, in manual mode, 'exposure bias', makes no difference whatever, it's just as previously set. If anyone knows more on this topic, please jump in and advise. Smile



Phil, I guess it might depend on the camera model. Exposure Compensation (bias) on my camera (the +/- button) does work when using Manual Mode. E.g. If I adjust the shutter speed and aperture to centre the camera's light meter, then dial in +2 EV with the +/- button, I then have to change speed or aperture by 2 stops to re-centre the meter, which results in 2 stops more exposure, e.g. for a strongly backlit subject. In this example, it would be simpler to leave +/- set on zero, and just set speed or aperture to give 2 stops more than the matrix metering shows (or alternatively spot meter on the subject), but the point is that +/- could be used to affect the exposure in Manual on my camera.

Hope that makes sense!

Cheers for that Philip. I'll have to experiment and find out, either that or look in the manual. No, on second thoughts I'll experiment. Smile


Hi Philip,

Just looked in the book. In manual mode it'll only work for Centre Weighted or Spot Metered subjects but, not with Matrix. Curious situation and well worth remembering.


(Jan 5, 2014, 06:12)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]John,

Thank you for your comments, gratefully received.

In answer to your question on the bias. It doesn't, the 'Techie Stuff' is a combination of the exif info offered by clicking on properties on the original image. As far as I know, in manual mode, 'exposure bias', makes no difference whatever, it's just as previously set. If anyone knows more on this topic, please jump in and advise. Smile


Thanks Phil
Dont think Im any the wiser , will have to back to school i think?

(Nov 1, 2013, 08:06)alberm Wrote: [ -> ]My interpretation as a result of trees, trees and more trees

Nice one>>>
I really like the way the shadows create lead in lines which guide the viewers eye to where the top of the central tree should be.

Well done
Another Ad. Ed.
Isn't there some sort of 'filtering system' which can stop this nonsense from disrupting normal play? Even my phone system can be programmed to block 'cold callers'. Although I have to admit the user name in this instance is rather apt. Smile
(Jan 5, 2014, 10:48)john.mcintosh Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 5, 2014, 06:12)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]John,

Thank you for your comments, gratefully received.

In answer to your question on the bias. It doesn't, the 'Techie Stuff' is a combination of the exif info offered by clicking on properties on the original image. As far as I know, in manual mode, 'exposure bias', makes no difference whatever, it's just as previously set. If anyone knows more on this topic, please jump in and advise. Smile


Thanks Phil
Dont think Im any the wiser , will have to back to school i think?


Usually the exposure 'Bias' or 'Compensation' is operational when in either Aperture priority, Shutter Speed priority or in Programme mode. However, in this instance it is also operational when in Manual mode, but only when either 'centre weighted' or 'spot metering' is used, it won't work with 'matrix metering' sometimes referred to as being 'evaluative metering'. I hope this helps.

(Jan 9, 2014, 06:22)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 5, 2014, 10:48)john.mcintosh Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 5, 2014, 06:12)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]John,

Thank you for your comments, gratefully received.

In answer to your question on the bias. It doesn't, the 'Techie Stuff' is a combination of the exif info offered by clicking on properties on the original image. As far as I know, in manual mode, 'exposure bias', makes no difference whatever, it's just as previously set. If anyone knows more on this topic, please jump in and advise. Smile

Many thanks Phil
I think so ?
best regards
Thanks Phil
Dont think Im any the wiser , will have to back to school i think?


Usually the exposure 'Bias' or 'Compensation' is operational when in either Aperture priority, Shutter Speed priority or in Programme mode. However, in this instance it is also operational when in Manual mode, but only when either 'centre weighted' or 'spot metering' is used, it won't work with 'matrix metering' sometimes referred to as being 'evaluative metering'. I hope this helps.


Due to the number of posts, I have created thread two for this challenge. This thread will be closed, but can be viewed at any time.

Feel free to add to the new thread along with adding your further comments.

View Trees, Trees, & More Trees Thread Two
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