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Full Version: Practicing Digital Photography: Roads & Roadways
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How do you attach a photo.
(Nov 9, 2013, 11:58)FotoFred Wrote: [ -> ]How do you attach a photo.


Please take a look at this thread. If you need additional help, please let us know.


(Nov 5, 2013, 05:23)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]When you turn off the main road, always give way to the trees:
Wonderful stuff !!Big Grin We've got places like that here as well. Lord only knows what the councils are thinking? Mind you, that presupposes that they can think. Angry

Here is a shot of one of the oldest highways in the UK, part of the old Roman Road in the center of the city of Gloucester, it quite literally goes back to the times when Gt Britain was 'occupied' by the Roman legions.

Nikon D300.
Manual Exposure.
Metering - Pattern.

The descendants of the Romans must be well-behaved, Phil - no yellow lines, and yet not one parked chariot! Smile

Cool, love old stuff. I should be able to find a road from my recent trip to Israel. I'll take a look.
(Nov 19, 2013, 14:36)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]The descendants of the Romans must be well-behaved, Phil - no yellow lines, and yet not one parked chariot! Smile


It's not so much that they are well behaved Philip, it's more fear of being thrashed with a 'hot pan of Elvers' (local delicacy) in public!!Angry

Seriously though, the Romans were famed for their straight roads, and if you were to follow this one to it's original conclusion it would go from south of 'Glevum' (Gloucester) literally straight through Cirencester, on to Swindon concluding in Londinium. (London). The only bit where it deviates is at 'Crickley Hill', (well known traffic accident black spot). This hill is a bit steep and even the Romans had to circumnavigate it.

Hilarious , well done , i would take the right one /

(Oct 13, 2013, 08:53)Animator Wrote: [ -> ]First, thank you to the person who answered my query :-))

I took the photo on holiday recently. Thought it was an unusual 'Fork in the Road'.

Canon 50D camera
1/125 sec at f/7.1
ISO 100

[attachment=2416]This is the picturesque road around Pyramid Lake in North West Nevada going North. I used a Nikon D7100 with an 18-200mm Nikon VR Zoom Lens hand held. The settings were 1/60sed, f/11, ISO 100 and 28mm.
(Dec 23, 2013, 14:16)photowalker Wrote: [ -> ]This is the picturesque road around Pyramid Lake in North West Nevada going North. I used a Nikon D7100 with an 18-200mm Nikon VR Zoom Lens hand held. The settings were 1/60sed, f/11, ISO 100 and 28mm.

How do you keep your eyes on the road. Beautiful photo.
(Dec 23, 2013, 18:55)FotoFred Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 23, 2013, 14:16)photowalker Wrote: [ -> ]This is the picturesque road around Pyramid Lake in North West Nevada going North. I used a Nikon D7100 with an 18-200mm Nikon VR Zoom Lens hand held. The settings were 1/60sed, f/11, ISO 100 and 28mm.

How do you keep your eyes on the road. Beautiful photo.

I drive very slow and come home with a very sore neck.
All this needs is a straight horizon. Ed.
(Dec 23, 2013, 19:02)photowalker Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 23, 2013, 18:55)FotoFred Wrote: [ -> ]How do you keep your eyes on the road...

I drive very slow and come home with a very sore neck.

Big Grin

(Dec 24, 2013, 03:12)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]All this needs is a straight horizon. Ed.

oops you got me on that one. Totally missed it. Thanks.
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