Oct 9, 2013, 15:33
Oct 10, 2013, 02:55
Nice shot, uprights are straight, only criticism is it lacks contrast, it's a bit flat. Ed.
Oct 10, 2013, 04:29
I like the sculpture on the left mirroring the fountain on the right. Given the opportunity I think I would have tried to reposition to the left, but further back, and used a telephoto lens. Hopefully this would have brought the sculpture and fountain closer together and the telephoto lens would have brought them both nearer the same focal plane. The house would have then formed the background, losing the tree. Not much you can do about the sky, except go another day when the sun’s out. That would help with the flatness as well, especially if an early morning shot.
Oct 10, 2013, 10:33
I'm a little bit distracted where to look at. Is it the sculpture on the left or the fountain in the right. Either way I still look at the sculpture coz I am curious about it. hehe
Oct 10, 2013, 12:37
Oct 10, 2013, 12:46
Don't really hear the doorbell, and, waiting for a parcel. Computer is just inside the front door, underneath the bell!!. Spent the time on this?? Biggest problem is the file size, just over 60Kb, tried a Smart Filter, no difference. (That could be me). Ed.
Oct 10, 2013, 12:56
Oct 10, 2013, 13:01
Sorry about the size,havent got the hang off it yet.
Oct 10, 2013, 15:15
I would put these down as “record shots”, except the last one. That’s very much as I was mentioning earlier. Good positioning of the sculpture and fountain. Clone out the ropes and sign and you are there. Well spotted.
Oct 10, 2013, 15:25
Looks like the place to go for some interesting shapes. Again, I would put this down as a “record shot” but there is a photo there. However, perhaps this is not it. Try to get a different angle on the subject. Could be a good opportunity for posing someone inline but much nearer the camera, with hand out as if to be holding the sculpture like a pealed apple. Bit hackneyed, I know, but you get the idea. Obvious lighting difficulty with the image posted. To get a decent exposure for the underneath the top is burnt out. Either blend a couple of images, one exposed for the shadows and one for the highlights, or just underexpose your shot by about a stop or so and then brighten as needed in your editing software.