Hello everyone! Just logged in for first time to ask for any advice on Time Lapse Photography, taken (Doing photos) as a retirement hobby, for about a year now.just getting there? but, working with a Bridge camera, Yes I'm lazy, but it keeps me happy, I know that I have to use Manual Mode, But the intervals stump me, and the Light Exposures? Be kind to me please!
(Oct 20, 2013, 08:40)inthehouse444 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone! Just logged in for first time to ask for any advice on Time Lapse Photography, taken (Doing photos) as a retirement hobby, for about a year now.just getting there? but, working with a Bridge camera, Yes I'm lazy, but it keeps me happy, I know that I have to use Manual Mode, But the intervals stump me, and the Light Exposures? Be kind to me please!
Hi inthehouse, and welcome!
Please be more specific about what 'stumps' you?
And what camera are you using?
(Oct 20, 2013, 08:40)inthehouse444 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone! Just logged in for first time to ask for any advice on Time Lapse Photography, taken (Doing photos) as a retirement hobby, for about a year now.just getting there? but, working with a Bridge camera, Yes I'm lazy, but it keeps me happy, I know that I have to use Manual Mode, But the intervals stump me, and the Light Exposures? Be kind to me please!
Just think about what it is you are photographing. If it's cars driving down the road and you want to follow a set of cars down the road, then about 1 second intervals. If its a slow moving boat----10 to 15 second intervals. If it's the stars in the sky then about 5 minute intervals! It's up to the effect you are after. You also need to think about the frame rate in post production! Normal vid will require 24 frames per second! But for effect, that might be too fast.......so try 10 frames per second! How long do you want the action to last? This will have an effect on how many frames you need to shoot! Watch this link
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM7EJZ-8HWw It's verrrrrry informative :-)
Good luck (Not that you will need it)
Iain (iffy)
Welcome to the forums! Glad you all joined us!
Here is the video imbedded on site:
(Oct 20, 2013, 08:40)inthehouse444 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone! Just logged in for first time to ask for any advice on Time Lapse Photography, taken (Doing photos) as a retirement hobby, for about a year now.just getting there? but, working with a Bridge camera, Yes I'm lazy, but it keeps me happy, I know that I have to use Manual Mode, But the intervals stump me, and the Light Exposures? Be kind to me please!
Hi, I'm new too, but think I may be able to contibute.
I have experimented with timelapse and obtained beautiful results with cloud formations over landscapes. For this a frame rate in the region of 1 frame every few seconds works well. At these rates I have also had good results with tidal changes on coastal areas, small harbours, marshes etc. Hope you enjoy experimenting.
Thank you all for your advice (Time Lapse) Got three done- Phew what a lot of editing etc; used Lightroom3 - QuickTime Pro - Gold Wave for music - Bought a JJC TM series remote timer, for the Fine Pix HS 30 exr, once pointed in the right direction, Y tube, and a lot of notes in my "Idiot Book" THANK YOU.
Glad you got it done! Do you mind sharing some with us? I love time lapse photography!
Oahh I thin we all have love for timelapse
For editing I bet this software is right for timelapse photography but it goes well with lightroom
also if you really in too it you could try one of this gears that will help you more expand your timelapse view and its capabilities
Show us what you got mate
Looking forward to learn
(Oct 20, 2013, 08:40)inthehouse444 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone! Just logged in for first time to ask for any advice on Time Lapse Photography, taken (Doing photos) as a retirement hobby, for about a year now.just getting there? but, working with a Bridge camera, Yes I'm lazy, but it keeps me happy, I know that I have to use Manual Mode, But the intervals stump me, and the Light Exposures? Be kind to me please!
On my Canon Eos, I use the TC-80N3. You can set it to take a photo at many different intervals. It can also be used to hold the shutter open in bulb.