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The archway and steps lead into a public garden in a nearby park, but the garden itself remains an out-of-shot mystery. I quite like it but what do others think? Does the composition make a shot worth keeping and, if so, is it better in colour or B&W? Or, of course, any other thoughts?



[28mm prime lens at f/5.6, 1/400s, ISO 160; processing in PSP X4]
I prefer the colour version. The archway provides a nice frame but there's little of interest within. Even a plastic garden gnome would have provided a focal point of sorts. Big Grin Maybe give it some heavy HDR-like treatment to bring a bit of drama into it.
Thank you James, I understand what you mean - but it seems that all the gnomes were away on holiday that day! Smile (They must be gnomadic.)
For me, the color one pulls me into the walkway more and makes me feel like I am entering and heading up the steps! Thanks for sharing!
I think you could have stopped down a couple of stops and upped the ISO, to give you a bit more focus in the background, and the arch. I like the transfer to B&W but there needs to be more contrast in the arch to make it work properly. Worth going back and trying again. Whether it is worth keeping depends on why you took it and how happy you are with the result. Nothing we can say will influence that decision.
Prefer the colour one, steps tend to lead eye out of the pic. Ed.
I prefer the B & W. It reminds me of an old movie from the 60's "Night of the Living Dead". Maybe it's just me thinking of Halloween coming on Thursday. The B & W seems more interesting to me. Where are the zombies?
(Oct 27, 2013, 18:35)Hairnet1948 Wrote: [ -> ]I prefer the B & W. It reminds me of an old movie from the 60's "Night of the Living Dead". Maybe it's just me thinking of Halloween coming on Thursday. The B & W seems more interesting to me. Where are the zombies?
Its more scary when you can’t see them!
I go with the B&W. The other image (colored) looks or feels like i'm waiting for something to come out there. The B&W one feels like scenes from horror movies. But I little too tight on those framing arch. Also a little contrast on the B&W would make it more interesting (I guess).
Thank you all for viewing and commenting - it seems fairly evenly balanced between colour and B&W. I think I'm leaning more towards the B&W, and agree that it would benefit from a bit more contrast. The association with horror hadn't occurred to me!
(Oct 27, 2013, 04:28)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]The archway and steps lead into a public garden in a nearby park, but the garden itself remains an out-of-shot mystery. I quite like it but what do others think? Does the composition make a shot worth keeping and, if so, is it better in colour or B&W? Or, of course, any other thoughts?

[28mm prime lens at f/5.6, 1/400s, ISO 160; processing in PSP X4]

I really like the composition.
Archway framing the curved line of the steps, and then the diagonal line of the wall.
The contrast between the sunlit and shaded areas. Without losing detail in either.

I, too, am torn between the color and B&W.

If you ever get the chance, I would suggest re-shooting it with a little more of the archway on the sides.