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I thought I'd just ask a simple question - on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being Ansel Adams) how would you rate yourself as a photographer?
I'm thinking I'm about a 4.....

0 - What's a camera
1 - oooh a shutter button
2 - stand over there .... okay.. say cheese
3 - Let me not shoot into the sun....
4 - If I'm going to shoot into the sun, use a reflector or something.. also... I need to stand over here because I'll get a good background.
5 - But if I stand over here, I'll get the colours and tones of the land, nice depth of field and tell a real nice story
6 - If I put a light here.. and here.. and block this off, and use this lens and plan before hand... and use my old 6,000 dollar lens.. I should get a great shot.
7 - I'm understand what I'm doing.. and can do it relibably every time... and get a very useful result.
8 - I do shows, am well known and put "Photographer" down as my tax form
9 - I'm a world expert in my chosen field.
10 - I'm the expert ever.

I think the max I'll achieve is 7.... maybe 8 (if I quit my current job, become single and shoot constantly).
Ha ha, nicely put, gd...
...by gd's ratings, I'm a 5.

...and NOT by gd's ratings...

On a good day, when I am super inspired - maybe an 8...most days a 6 or 7.

JMHO, folks...
well, you're definitely ahead of me Toadster.. fer sure... and the gap is not closing Smile

My ratings are the super dooper official ratings as defined by me.. though, you'd have thought if I had designed em, I'd have made me a 10, hahahah Smile

if you're rating a 10 being Ansel Adams though, we've got a long way to go.

I think that I'm 6 out of 10 for what I'm going to be... what that is on an Ansel Adams scale, who knows Smile
4-5 most days...
5-6 on most days, 7 by the end of the year and an 8 by the time I turn 75.
This is a measure of modesty and self-esteem. never ask an artist a question like this.
But this is a forum of friends and good natured people. We promise not to bite.
..and only a couple of you are "artists"
a 10.... in my dreams.

but normally a 4 or 5. i think i still need a lot of work. Rolleyes
I'm a 3. See what I mean...it's a complex.
negative 10

Unfortunately, knowing how to press the shutter button doesn't automatically make me a photographer Smile
This is not a question I want to answer. I'll leave it to others to determine my level.
I agree with Petographer. Rating oneself invites The Evil Eye.

Hi everyone

uuuhmmm I totaly agree with peto and don! how in hell do I rate myself?


Also would like to point out that there are a lot of people that think that if they have a profesional camera they are profesional. Also I have notice in this industry that PR (plublic relations) are photographer and can do a better job than a profesional just because they have a point and shoot camera, and they have publish pix on their internal magazines just because master photoshop fix their pixs. That is what I have experience as a profesional photographer ( earn a living as one)...well.........not a the moment!

I just can not leave this point out is just to itchy!!!.......but how in this possible earth can you rate yourself next or close to ansel adams. gooosh ansel adams started a few things in photography and was one of the greates master printer ever.

I think if ourself would like to be rated should post their best pixs and the all forum should rate their portfolio.

Well thats my 2 Zimb cents


Don Schaeffer Wrote:I agree with Petographer. Rating oneself invites The Evil Eye.


I'm up for a challenge!!!

Evil eye v Rufus.

Yes, I declare that I'm a genius!!! Wink
...and conversely, there are a lot of "professional" photographers out there who do very poor work - you see it everywhere.

Bravo Rufus - declare yourself a genius! Well done!

The question was "How do you rate yourself as a photographer?"

Why would you give a darn what anyone else thinks?
For the most part a lot of us are far more critical of our own work than that of others.
And not only poor work - some have very poor attitudes and are very "unprofessional", like I experienced with my wedding photographer. Big Grin
Being a photographer isn't only snapping away pressing the button on your DSLR,
Includes a lot of PR; telling people how to pose, what to do, making them happy looking, sell them photos...
My friend who worked in a magazine company told me that there was a photographer who used to come in, he would talk to the model, make her laugh and do things, while the assistant controlled the camera!! I think that is good PR.

Unless you are shooting a documentary (where you do control the composition, but do not control the subject), or utilitarian photography (like, taking photographs for scientific purposes, to record things) (I hope these terms are right).
The question was "How do you rate yourself as a photographer?"

Ah............................... :/
I think that no one but ourselves know how good photographer we are. In this case you are the only one who can qualify your work, you only know if that beautiful picture was just a lucky shot or was in fact a planned shot; you only know how many pictures you have to take to get one or two good ones... I took 82 pictures yesterday and I just got 2 good ones.... I know very well how good I am.... and if I just post those two you might thingk Hey!... Irma is improving .... and actually I am not improving.... Sad

Furthermore, if we are able to criticise and qualify others work... we are, in fact, capable to criticise and qualify our own work, the only thing we need is to see our work objectively... No one can't be more honest with us than ourselves... (? I don't know if it is clear... but I know you got the idea Smile )

That seems pretty clear to me.

Mind you, I never said that I won anything easily. I may j-u-s-t have taken 100 to get 1 winner........... :/

But that's another story! :o