DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Practicing Digital Photography: Taking Close Ups (Thread Two)
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This is thread number two for this challenge:

(Visit thread one for previous posts here)

Here is a practicing digital photography challenge for our members. Take some time and shoot some close up photography this/next week. Look around for some normal objects you can get close and personal with (must be family friendly, of course).

Focus on a small part of the object you are looking at. Not only will you be taking close shots, but also photographing some unique views of objects.

What are we missing in this unique world of seeing through the lens of our cameras?

How unique of an image can you create for this digital photography assignment?

Are you up to the challenge?

Please post some close up photos along with some info about your object and any other valuable info for the forum members!

Thanks for participating!
Anyone with any new close ups they would like to add here? :0)
Old Lens cap. Full Pic, and crop section, 30 + year old 35mm Tamron 28/200mm@70mm Sony a290 1/125th@F6.3 ISO400 Ed.
Okay - just letting you know that I have always been a point and shoot person although I LOVE photography!

I got a Rebel SL1 a few weeks ago and have been practicing a few quick shots learning all the modes for automatic. I want to master this first. I did not have time at the moment to do any cropping or adjusting.

Here are a few close up shots from around the house using the macro mode. Go easy on me, okay? Big Grin

Here is one my daughters favorite stuffed animal from her heart doctor:

Here is another shot playing around with part of an artificial plant. Ugh, guess I need to dust it! LOL

Here is another one with a closer shot of the pink berries. Of course, I would have cropped this a little if I had taken the time.

Here is one more for fun! One of my kids created this foam gingerbread man I don't know how many years ago! SO, maybe it was my daughter since is an angel with a bow in its hair! Huh
