Dec 21, 2013, 12:38
Dec 22, 2013, 03:15
I love it! And I love the scenery too, we won't have any snow over here until January, sadly.

Dec 22, 2013, 16:23
Hi Ed,
Smashing shot as always. I forget what specific product name the advert was for, but, many years ago a firm advertised a linen washing product with the catch line. "out of the blue, comes the whitest white". It would seem to apply to this photograph as well. It's a crackingly good shot.
Smashing shot as always. I forget what specific product name the advert was for, but, many years ago a firm advertised a linen washing product with the catch line. "out of the blue, comes the whitest white". It would seem to apply to this photograph as well. It's a crackingly good shot.