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As it's a quite miserable winter, how about some summer memories?

Here are two to kick off with. Taken in and around the Buckie area of Moray.



Number three taken in the same area.

Phil, I like numbers 1 and 3 - nice compositions and natural colours (although I would increase the contrast in 3). Number 2 is too tightly cropped for me, and the background merges into the deck of the ship.


P.S. Horizons?
Introducing the Moray Firth itself!!

Techie Stuff.

Nikon D300, F/8, 160th, ISO 200, 18mm, M/Mode Pattern, Manual, W/B Auto.

Seen on the walk along the old railway line from Portsoy to Cullen, with the famous Golf Links by the sea.

Techie Stuff.
Nikon D300, F/8, 320sec, ISO 200, 18mm, Manual, WB/Auto.

Very nice! Thank you for sharing with us!
A sea view overlooking part of Portknockie, in the wonderful Moray region of Scotland.

Three more lovely compositions here since my last comment, Phil. Again, the colours look exactly as I would imagine them to be.

Thank you Philip. Horizons OK? Only I'm more aware of them than I was, the same for verticals. However, sometime I wonder about 'barrel distortion' and whether it's me, the lens or my monitors which are to blame.
Phil, I didn't dare to mention them again Wink, but the horizons look fine in the last three photos! Smile

Using a wide angle lens might cause a slight barrel distortion of the horizon when it is not in the centre of of the frame - I think you would have to be much higher than your viewpoint on the cliff top to see the curvature of the Earth. You could test the lens by taking a shot with the sea horizon in the bottom half of the frame, and seeing if the horizon curves down in the middle.

All the best.

Blossom Time. Ed.

Fabulous capture there. My guess is that it would print up large wonderfully on something like Hahnemuhle Watercolour Paper coming off a HP Design-jet Z3200 printer. Real long term exhibition quality stuff Ed, but not unexpected coming from you. Smile


(Jan 6, 2014, 08:54)Barbara G. Wrote: [ -> ]Very nice! Thank you for sharing with us!


You're most welcome. My pleasure entirely.

This is known as Sandend, and during the 'off season' is ideal for dog walkers, wind surfers, kayaking etc. The beach is large enough to accommodate many activities at the same time.

Nice one Phil, cheers. Ed.
Beautiful shots Phil. Thanks for sharing. Ahhhhh, summer awaits. Smile