Is it water, reflecting the colors of a beautiful sunrise?
Alas, it's only the sunrise through the matted window of our office's restroom.

1. It's a really interesting picture, and I love the texture and tones (though I 'd like to see a little bit of detail in the shadow area at left)
2. I have great respect for someone who takes a camera into the bathroom while at work...

I like the effect. It has that hammered copper look to it. I second the "plumber" work suggested by Mitch.
slejhamer Wrote:2. I have great respect for someone who takes a camera into the bathroom while at work... 
I wouldn't do that with my D70, but the E3200 is as small as a box of cigarettes and fits perfectly well in a pocket, so nobody noticed.

Excellent shot, Agent G.
I love the colour and the shapes.. the shape of the glow also makes a very interesting photo to look at.