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Full Version: Mechanical Failure
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This after noon at work a 12.5 ton crane tipped over beside the boat I was working on. It was lifting a steel tank from a flatbed when one of the downriggers let go. Fortunately the operator was unhurt as he fell out of the cab onto his butt. When we got the word everyone was ok the big concern was to contain the fuel spill. I just happen to have my camera with me and was able to get photos minutes after it happened.
[Image: Shelter-Island-040-web.jpg]

[Image: Shelter-Island-042-web.jpg]
Wow great shots, Colin! Nothing like being "in the moment" eh? Smile

I got forwarded this email yesterday which was strikingly similar...

[Image: pic26623.jpg]

[Image: pic15698.jpg]

[Image: pic15458.jpg]

[Image: pic10487.jpg]

[Image: pic15402.jpg]

[Image: pic02739.jpg]

[Image: pic29558.jpg]

[Image: pic16137.jpg]

[Image: pic00440.jpg]
Yes. I've seen that before. Now that is messed up.

I'll stick with my desk job, thank you very much.
So, everyone realizes that the last photo there is faked, right?
Really?? Now that you pointed it out... it does look a bit manipulated... Smile

Would be funny to see the next in sequence though... helicopter comes along to lift the big green truck out... has engine failure and falls in Smile
shuttertalk Wrote:Really?? Now that you pointed it out... it does look a bit manipulated... Smile
The last pic is actually the 5th pic with the green truck added from the second-to last pic... take a close look at the bystanders and the vehicles in the background...
By golly, you are right!