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Full Version: Foggy Day at the End of Winter
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[Image: carcomingSM.jpg]
[Image: frontwalkSM.jpg]
[Image: housewithfenceSM.jpg]
[Image: treetpsinfog3SM.jpg]
(Feb 21, 2014, 14:29)Don Schaeffer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: carcomingSM.jpg]
[Image: frontwalkSM.jpg]
[Image: housewithfenceSM.jpg]
[Image: treetpsinfog3SM.jpg]
I love pictures 3 & 4. The third one has the weather look and coloring of the fence in contrast to the snow. The misty background in the fourth photo is amazing. I would love to know what camera and settings you used.
Nice shots, looking forward to seeing more.
I like the third photo best! I envy you for still having snow Smile
Thanks guys. Nikon D3100 with the Nikkor 10.5mm fisheye on all but the last one. I use tone mapping on the photos.