This was taken on my local bit of coastline just after the latest storms.
There were bits of debris and the sun was shining on the groin posts.
Smashing detail, I love the way the seaweed encrusted posts lead the eye into the frame and the 'debris' decorates the beach. Too often beaches in photos look 'sterile' and almost too pristine to be believable.
A job well done in my opinion.
The subject of real interest in this image is the old groyne, but the large area of burnt out sea on the right is a dazzling distraction for me. If the photo were mine, I would square crop the left hand side to concentrate the viewers attention on that subject. Sorry to be so critical in Photo Showcase, Johny, but these are just my honest opinions.
No need to be sorry Mr. B,
Being critical is how we all learn, but you are right.
I was so intent on getting the groynes right that I neglected the glare from the sun.
So by cropping the glare out, do you think this looks more appealing ?
Although perhaps a little too tightly cropped at the top now (I think I would keep the first two waves there), it is definitely so much better without the glare.
P.S. - By the way, my "Sorry" was prompted by the guidance notes for those two forum sections, "Photo Critique" and "Photo Showcase" (see ). I assumed that members might expect to see my harsh criticism of your image in the former, but not in the latter.
On my monitor, I would lighten it a bit, there is good detail in the wood. Ed.
I like the first photo better - the glare is still part of the scenery... Really nice composition on that one.
(Mar 23, 2014, 02:47)johnytrout Wrote: [ -> ]No need to be sorry Mr. B,
Being critical is how we all learn, but you are right.
I was so intent on getting the groynes right that I neglected the glare from the sun.
So by cropping the glare out, do you think this looks more appealing ?
Johntrout, This is a great Photo, the moss on the groynes is just incredible. I like this one best! Isn't funny how different eyes like different perspectives. Either way it is a beautiful moment frozen in time and I wouldn't change a thing!!!! :-) Di
(Mar 24, 2014, 02:47)kNox Wrote: [ -> ]I like the first photo better - the glare is still part of the scenery... Really nice composition on that one.
Me too,
I was born and brought up by the seaside, and more often than not, the sea has reflective glare coming off it for at least a large proportion of the day. So in my opinion the first image is most realistic.