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In view of Pol's recent discussions elsewhere, I thought I'd post 2 more "compare these" pictures.
One is the ISTD with Tamron 24-135, the other is 10D with Canon 24-85.

But which is which??? Wink

[Image: Canal-1.jpg]

[Image: canal-2.jpg]
Are these full crops? Big Grin
I'm not sure. I've d/l them so I can spend some time studying them and I'll post again when I've decided which one I think is from what.

Shall I mail 'S' and ask him to come over and have a look, see which one he thinks is from the Canon and which one is from the *istD. I can't promise he'll register and post but I can always ask?

BTW - my initial guess is that the top one is from the Canon, the second one from the istD + Tamron .... nut I'm not sure yet.

adam Wrote:Are these full crops? Big Grin

These are simply reduced. The image you see is the whole frame.
Pol sed "Shall I mail 'S' and ask him to come over and have a look"

I barked, "yes, why not!"

White balance on teh bottom one is better...... sharpness looks similar in both... I'll say canon is the bottom one.
Couldn't tell you which is which - I prefer the bottom one - better color rendition - and sharper - look at the tie rope and the moppy type of thing between the boat and the dock.

All this comparison is rubbish of course if the photos were not taken at the same speed and fstop. I suspect this is the lens more than the camera that we are comparing.
The top image is clearly a poorer quality photo.
For some reason I prefer the first photo... the colours appear more vibrant, although that could just be the WB/exposure...

I'd venture to say that this one is the Canon, as they tend to accentuate the reds.. Smile
I prefer the first one. I think it has better color rendition and a brighter. Unless my monitor is really wacky which is entirely possible. It seems to have warmer tones to it. You can almost feel the warmth of the sun on a cold day in the first one.


Both same aperture, very similar shutter speeds, both ISO 200, both taken within seconds of each other.
Two more.

The order, (whatever that proves to be), is still the same.......

[Image: canal-1a.jpg]

[Image: canal-2a.jpg]
Rufus Wrote:Pol sed "Shall I mail 'S' and ask him to come over and have a look"

I barked, "yes, why not!"


Done it. Wink

Rufus Wrote:Two more.

The order, (whatever that proves to be), is still the same.......

I still think the second pic is from the istD.

I also think you have proved something. I think you've proved BOTH are excellent cameras.








I also think that Canon users will always try to argue the one they consider best MUST be off a Canon. Insecure bunch of sheep that they are Big Grin







Don't hit me all you 'Canonisers'.

I'm just a little old lady - and I'm ROFLMAO here!

Polly Wrote:I'm not sure. I've d/l them so I can spend some time studying them and I'll post again when I've decided which one I think is from what.

Shall I mail 'S' and ask him to come over and have a look, see which one he thinks is from the Canon and which one is from the *istD. I can't promise he'll register and post but I can always ask?

BTW - my initial guess is that the top one is from the Canon, the second one from the istD + Tamron .... nut I'm not sure yet.


Hello Pol & Rufus & All
Well there's nothing like putting a man on the spot is there Wink

To be honest, and as a 10D user I couldn't say with any degree of certainty which one is which. However I think the second 2 images confirm my original suspicion that the second shot of each pair is from the Canon. It seems to have some of the characteristics I see in my own images.

However, though its all a bit of fun the exercise is flawed as has already been said, it could be down to a comparison of lenses and the in camera settings that are applied. Even if they are set on the default as mine are the actual processor is bound to apply different algorithms to the image. I'm presuming here that neither were taken in Raw format?

The top image of the boat is certainly warmer and has slightly more saturation. If this was a result I wanted to achieve from my Raw files then I could easily apply it. The bottom image of the boat seems to me to have slightly more neutral colours, and if this was from the Canon I might be inclined to adjust if I felt the need. I suppose the converse could be said of the Top image that I might feel it was over saturated and therefore feel inclined to tone it down (can we mention Tone in here Wink ) With the second two images, the bottom one seems to lack as much contrast and I would be looking to boost this in Curves no doubt, typical of the 10D I feel.

The point is, if there is a point to this, that you can't say one is better than the other and as I like most users of such cameras rarely accept the image we get straight out of the camer then it matters not which is which. The quality seems to be there and the raw material to get a good result in both cases

Interesting exercise though and as I still recall the firework comparison over a year ago, I am maybe well out as indeed I was then :/ Big Grin
(can we mention Tone in here Wink ......... probably. Big Grin

Thanks for dropping by. I now forgive you for putting me on the spot over there amongst the 'clever people'. Wink

I also felt the second pix had the feautures I see straight off my camera - the more 'neutral' appearance in tones, ready for processing.

The top shot, first pic, could be obtained easily by saturation.

Either picture could be off either camera in my opinion. Both are good, both could be processed further and the end results of further processing could produce near enough identical pix.

G'day 'S'... welcome to shuttertalk! Hope you make yourself at home! Smile

Thanks for your 2c - very insightful....
So which pix came from which camera? When do we get to know?

Hello Pol, hello e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y! Big Grin

Here then, is the answer to the "compare" quiz.

The pictures are in this order:

First, Pentax *ISTD with Tamron 24-135

Second, Canon 10D with Canon 24-85

Watch out for a new "compare" thread, coming in the new year!!

Big Grin
Pol... the one we considered best WAS the canon Tongue
Rufus Wrote:Hello Pol, hello e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y! Big Grin

Here then, is the answer to the "compare" quiz.

The pictures are in this order:

First, Pentax *ISTD with Tamron 24-135

Second, Canon 10D with Canon 24-85

Watch out for a new "compare" thread, coming in the new year!!

Big Grin

So I was wrong. That makes us even, Stephen! :o Big Grin

Did you take all the pix or did NN take the ones with the istD and you took the pix with he Canon?

EnglishBob Wrote:Pol... the one we considered best WAS the canon Tongue

Aye, true enough -- but that'd probably be because the Canon user (Rufus) was let loose with the istD Big Grin

Aye, that be riyt. Iy did indeed tayk all the pikturez myzel.
EnglishBob Wrote:Pol... the one we considered best WAS the canon Tongue

The term best is a tad subjective don't you think when applied to the 2 cameras.
Now from an objective standpoint, the Canon is defo the best Wink
'S' Wrote:
EnglishBob Wrote:Pol... the one we considered best WAS the canon Tongue

The term best is a tad subjective don't you think when applied to the 2 cameras.
Now from an objective standpoint, the Canon is defo the best Wink

Ok - in future, I'll wear a paper bag over my camera in addition to the one over my head. Better than losing my street cred by being seen with an istD clamped to my eye! Sad Big Grin

Now the fella in this picci carried his Camera with pride - wore a coat that could be seen for miles around so that people would notice him and proclaim

"Oooooo look - we're all about to be Canon-eyes'd"

Huh! :x Tongue

[Image: canon_eyesd.jpg]

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