to me
When is your birthday?
adam Wrote:to me
When is your birthday?
Have a good one - and many more of them to come
Mine's been and gone - Sept 28th - but I try to forget them these days. Either that or I count backwards :o
Happy birthday adam!! Hey... wasn't it your birthday a few months back? Oh wait... that was Peter wasn't it?
What are you doing to celebrate?
Mine's 25th of June.
Happy Bithday Adam..... I'm 4 days behind you. On Christmas Eve my odometer clicks through another year.
Happy birthday to you too, Craig! Just in case I'm partying too hard on Christmas Eve

I hope this isn't some lame idea to conjure up responses for the contest... wait a minute .. i just replied... DOH!

Pol and I share the same date of world entry.
@Adam: A bit late but.... Happy Birthday, Adam!
@Bob: A bit early .... Happy Birthday, Bob!
My best wishes to both of you
Mine is on March 8th.
When i was younger Christmas was always a time of pain and sickness...... usually the result of a severe hangover

Happy Birthday Adam you old codger!

Sorry about the late post but I hope you had a good one!
psst, did you get any spare LSeris lenses and 1D Bodys for your Bday you can send to young dewsta?