DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: New at this, but my my photographs for comment
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I hope I am posting 7 Photographs for comment but so far its not worked, but you cant blame a trier! If they come up I would like to know if of the 7 photographs, which is film not digital and if I should keep up my hobby!
The was first taken was in Spain in a Monastery in 2005 with a HP945 fixed lens
no 2 was taken in Paris 2005 same camera, no3 was taken in 2008 with a Sony 750 with a Sigma 50-250 zoom now deceased, with a Sony 750 no4 was taken at home 2009 with Sony 850 with a Tameron 70-300, number 5 was taken in Staffordshire with a Sony 850 with a Tameron 70-300, no6 was taken in Spain 2007, no 7 was taken in Scarborough in 2011

From what I can see of the photos, you are definitely doing well in your hobby.

Have you taken a look at these threads for uploading photos? I may have already asked you, so my apologies if I did.


Unfortunately, all I see is a minute pic in top left of Browser, (Chrome). Why .png. Thanks. Ed.
(Jul 27, 2014, 12:44)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Unfortunately, all I see is a minute pic in top left of Browser, (Chrome). Why .png. Thanks. Ed.
They are taken from my website they are thumb nails which on the site can be clicked for a bigger picture.

First thing I tried, no success.? Ed.
Difficult to evaluate, via a Link,( no. 6 did not work). Personally I would never go back to film, I still have 5/6 35mm outfits, progress tells. Nothing really amiss with your pics. Try, via Barbera's Links, posing a Pic, directly onto the site, and go from there? Cheers. Ed.
From what I am seeing you truly have a good eye for composition, which can make the difference between a great photo and just a good snapshot
Notably, your architectural photos use lines and patterns to their best advantage
You have my vote for continuing and refining your hobby, I see nothing but good things coming from it