DSLR Photography Forum

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Hi to one and all.
Just signed up and will introduce myself.
From Canada, hope there are more of us on here. Have been attached to a camera for many years. Had a 'dry spot' for some time but am now totally into the Digital Age.
Did a lot of film camera shots and slides then seemed to lose interest, happily now the urge to click that shutter has returned. One could say, 'I am born again' photography wise at least.
First Digi was a 2MP Fuji and have not looked back since,
That's it for now folks.
Hello and welcome to the forums! It is a pleasure to have you with us!

Please let us know if you have need of anything and ask any questions if you would like!
(Aug 4, 2014, 23:15)Wijou45 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi to one and all.
Just signed up and will introduce myself.
From Canada, hope there are more of us on here. Have been attached to a camera for many years. Had a 'dry spot' for some time but am now totally into the Digital Age.
Did a lot of film camera shots and slides then seemed to lose interest, happily now the urge to click that shutter has returned. One could say, 'I am born again' photography wise at least.
First Digi was a 2MP Fuji and have not looked back since,
That's it for now folks.

Welcome aboard! You will like here! I am from S/W Ontario. We look forward to seeing your posts!

Hi and welcome
Hi there, Welcome. Ruth London UK

Hello all,
After taking a long break from 35mm film photography back in the 70's, I have now returned to a new era of digital Photograpy as I approach my retirement years. I have got myself a Nikon D7000 and a few lenses. However my latest one is a Sigma 150-500 which weighs in at about 2kg. I am passionate about hand holding photography and full understand the limitations I need to consider to do this with this type of lens. However my difficulty is with the techniques to hold this brute up comfortably ... I am a bit weaker now I am in my 60's. Anyway I am looking forward to discussions on all aspects of photography on the forum.

Welcome Iain.

The biggest lens I have is the Pentax 55-300mm - it weighs 466g and is 11cm long - so your Sigma really is a monster by comparison! Perhaps you might consider also joining a muscle-building forum for advice regarding your lens! Wink

Cheers. Smile