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[attachment=3648]I love the quality of light in the west coast of Scotland as it is constantly changing. this image was shot after a cloudy day. At around 9:30pm at the mouth of Irvine harbour the sun began to break through the clouds and I raced out before it was gone. this was shot on my Canon EOS 600D using the standard 18-55mm kit lens set at 18mm 1/15th sec at f9. The wooden pillars that are just sticking up from the sand are the remains of the ramp from the old lifeboat station that closed in 1914
Beautiful colours in the sunlit clouds and reflected in the water, Dave.

I just wonder if there should be quite so much dark foreground in the composition. If it were mine, I would make the sand slightly lighter anyway, so that the pillars (which lead to the sun) are more obvious.

Just a few thoughts. Cheers.
Beautiful shot...well done!