Dec 26, 2004, 03:41
Dec 26, 2004, 03:57
Lol... probably a good way to teach them a lesson... 
Did I read the article right --
"A new Nintendo DS system on its own retails for about $150 in the US." (that's for all 3 of them I assume)
and yet:
"By late morning on Christmas day the bid for the items had reached $740, and the reserve price had been met."
Why would people pay more??

Did I read the article right --
"A new Nintendo DS system on its own retails for about $150 in the US." (that's for all 3 of them I assume)
and yet:
"By late morning on Christmas day the bid for the items had reached $740, and the reserve price had been met."
Why would people pay more??
Dec 26, 2004, 04:04
shuttertalk Wrote:Lol... probably a good way to teach them a lesson...
Did I read the article right --
"A new Nintendo DS system on its own retails for about $150 in the US."
and yet:
"By late morning on Christmas day the bid for the items had reached $740, and the reserve price had been met." (that's for all 3 of them I assume)
Why would people pay more??
I reckon they pay more because they're stupid enough to think it must be a bargain because they're getting it off ebay. Either that, or they'd had too much to drink

Dec 26, 2004, 18:47
Good to see. Way to go sir parent.
Dec 26, 2004, 19:14
Lol... fanatics! In Melbourne, one of the big department store chains usually has a boxing day sale and people queue up at the doors to rush in for the specials. Well this year it appears there was a stampede....,00.html,00.html
Dec 26, 2004, 19:52
You might pay more if all the stores are sold out of the new system - and you HAVE to have it for Christmas. When PS2 first came out just before Christmas, and there was a shortage - the units were going on Ebay for more than twice the retail value. I sold an extra one I has at a $100 profit that year.
Dec 27, 2004, 00:24
Bargain hunters are insane... most of the stuff on sale is the crap they can't move normally.
Dec 27, 2004, 03:40
EnglishBob Wrote:Bargain hunters are insane... most of the stuff on sale is the crap they can't move normally.
Y'mean the Sales are really just a Purge to clear out all the nasty junk

Dec 27, 2004, 09:23
Well those ebay games finally sold... for $5300! An online casino bought them.
Dec 27, 2004, 09:38
EnglishBob Wrote:Well those ebay games finally sold... for $5300! An online casino bought them.
Blimey! I hope the parents relent and at least allow the youngest of the kids to have a replacement. They'd still have a tidy profit. I dare bet the older kids were the ones squabbling and bossing the littl'un around.
If I'd been in their position I'd have bought just one game and made them share - pulled the blighters apart and drawn up a rota system and stuck it on the wall. That's what we did with our three when they were young. Anyone who got outa line got dragged into the kitchen to do chores whilst the other two played properly.
I might add - the eldest (bossy one) is brilliant in the kitchen, great cook, very thorough at cleaning pans, dishes, floors, hanging out the washing .. also an ace gamer and geek

Dec 27, 2004, 22:22
The parents are donating all the money to their church, it needs some roof repairs.