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I was looking for an explanation about the diference of those 2 subjects here at shuttertalk but couldnt find any.

I know what dof is but what about hyperfocal distance?
I'm deep in photography now
Anyone whit a simple but remarcable answer?!

The hyperfocal distance is that distance at which a lens must be focused to give the greatest depth of field.

When a lens is focused at the hyperfocal distance, the depth of field extends from half that distance all the way to infinity, and you can't get much further than that!

Just like depth of field, the hyperfocal distance depends on the camera's sensor size, the lens's focal length, and the aperture used.

A web search for "hyperfocal distance calculator" will produce lots of results, including ones that can be installed on tablets and smartphones.

(Oct 17, 2014, 05:17)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]The hyperfocal distance is that distance at which a lens must be focused to give the greatest depth of field.
A web search for "hyperfocal distance calculator" will produce lots of results, including ones that can be installed on tablets and smartphones.


Thanks Philip!
That was simple,
I can see me using that with landscape, but not really usefull in other areas am I wrong?

(Oct 17, 2014, 09:39)Daniel_Champion Wrote: [ -> ]I can see me using that with landscape, but not really useful in other areas am I wrong?


I think you are probably quite right.

By using your DOF you can throw the back ground out of focus thus making the subject the only thing in focus.

Correct me, as I'm not overly confident about the DoF and HFD with our small lenses and small sensors in cell phone and point and shoot cameras. But I think the DoF and HFD are enormously large, making almost everything but macro work in focus.

And that's why things like background de-focus has to be managed electronically or algorithmically, in these cameras versus optically in classic SRL-size lenses and cameras.

Chime in and help me out with this notion. Thanks.
WDH - when comparing cameras in similar scenarios:
The DoF will be larger for the little P&S camera.
The HFD is greater for higher magnification (telephoto) lenses.
However, HFD is much shorter for P&S cameras. e.g. for an APS-C DSLR camera with a standard lens at f/8, the HFD is about 6 metres, and the equivalent using a P&S would probably be about 2 metres.
