Hydrangea cultivar 'Annabelle' a perfect hydrangea for those who like large mop heads. The sterile flowers measure to 23cm across.
No exif data
Olympus C5050Z at Renishaw, Derbyshire. c2005
Lovely detail Peter. Have you considered blurring the background a bit? Ed.
I agree with Ed, Peter. Beautifully captured flower, but the leaves are a bit distracting - you might also consider reducing the brightness and saturation of the background. Just an opinion, of course.
Thank you gentlemen. I'm happy with the image as it is and don't regard bokeh in this case a factor, otherwise I would have offered it for evaluation on the Critique board.
(Jan 14, 2015, 06:02)Plantsman Wrote: [ -> ]Hydrangea cultivar 'Annabelle' a perfect hydrangea for those who like large mop heads. The sterile flowers measure to 23cm across.
No exif data
Olympus C5050Z at Renishaw, Derbyshire. c2005
Outstanding capture. It looks to me just like it looks in reality. As a photo, I think I would have cloned out the white on the bottom middle and left of the picture. Otherwise, I would leave as is. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the great work and have a GREAT DAY!
Apologies Peter, you are right.
I had to look up the Bokeh thing. I spell this Dizzy!!!
(Jan 15, 2015, 06:15)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Apologies Peter, you are right.
I had to look up the Bokeh thing. I spell this Dizzy!!!
Yes Ed, a word bandied about in photography and one that I sometimes regret using instead of plain English - I blame those Japanese

A blurred background whichever way we care to look at it. I don't have a lens that in my view produces a satisfactory 'Bokeh' (sorry), so I rely on distance and camera settings when I want to produce a blurred bakground. I try to keep post processing to a minimum; far more satisfying to be happy with the image as taken.
Beautiful shot - so pretty too.