After the Waxwings left... these guys - there are three different ones (I think-

) came for berries. One is here almost every day for nuts we leave out... has the temerity to scratch on the screen door if we are late with the nuts... That's him at the door covered in snow taken through the glass and net of the screen door!
Canon 1D Mk lV
Canon ef 70-200mm L IS Mk ll @200mm
ISO -50
TV- 200
Spot metering
I miss the Red Squirrel from the UK but these guys are very easy to get to know and they will come to you ... which is "kinda cute" !
Kind regards
Rolf, on my monitor the squirrels look overcooked?? Ed.
Great series, but the snow covered beggar at the back door makes it for me.
They are Black Squirrels - a melanistic subgroup of the eastern grey squirrel Ed... we don't get the Red over here... sadly
Kind regards
(Jan 30, 2015, 10:55)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Rolf, on my monitor the squirrels look overcooked?? Ed.
Ed... only "cooking" is cropping out of tree material... they are a fair way off and really don't fill the frame well... even with the 300mm... the white sparkly bits of fur seems to be translucent hair catching the sun ( or as in my case - age related!)or they are covered in snow from burrowing in it to get to the seeds that fall from the bird feeder... The berries are a very bright red and the Mountain Ash and the (I think?) Sour Cherry Tree are shades of orange and reds in part depending on the intensity and angle of the sun... and then there's that ever present deep blue sky... I do have a white fence that sometimes is the back ground but I try to blur that out...
I have a 24 inch monitor and I was concerned so I have just recalibrated it with the "Datacolour Spyder 4" and it seems ok... If you think there is an issue let me know how I can resolve it? Thank you.
Kind regards
(Jan 30, 2015, 10:58)EnglishBob Wrote: [ -> ]Great series, but the snow covered beggar at the back door makes it for me.
Thanks Craig... yes.. cheeky doesn't really cover it.. can be quite insistent! I need to find where they "nest" so I can get their young as you did... (envious!)
Kind regards
My Monitor only "Calibrated" with P/S. I have never seen a black squirrel, is probably the answer. Ed.
Excellent captures - well taken.