Feb 16, 2015, 08:53
Arctium species - poisonous in part, edible in part, so I'm sure it is essential to know the plant and how to prepare the edible tap root. Not tried it myself and not inclined to but as the various species are pretty much world wide I'm sure it figures in the diet of people somewhere .
A drink consumed here in Britain 'Dandelion and Burdock' formerly a 'mead' included fermented parts of the plants dandelion and burdock.
Model: NIKON D300
ExposureTime: 1/250"
Aperture: F13.0
ISO: 400
FocalLength: 170.0 mm
A drink consumed here in Britain 'Dandelion and Burdock' formerly a 'mead' included fermented parts of the plants dandelion and burdock.
Model: NIKON D300
ExposureTime: 1/250"
Aperture: F13.0
ISO: 400
FocalLength: 170.0 mm