Hi all
My first attempt at editing in PSE11, Have no idea how to do it again just thought I would have a play around and see what happens, Ive had PSE11 a couple of years now and never got around to using it.
I look forward to your critiques.
Without seeing the original, it's a bit difficult to comment Wendy. From yours, this is my interpretation, but may be nothing like the original. If you are happy with yours, that's it. Regards. Ed.
For what it's worth... my take... I like a little more contrast... love the detail that you captured...
I suspect you used a fairly high ISO? The back ground, although blurred, is very noisy... That may well be as a consequence of the image size though.. I have added a fair bit of NR to try to get is away... and a fine vignette to get the corners... still a bit there though... any more and the fine detail that is so good in the head will be lost.
Really nice shot though, and as Ed said, it is your vision for your shot that counts...
Kind regards
Hi Ed & Rolf
I love both enterpretations of it. ISO was 400 3.20 second exposure the original is a bright red rose. It was just me playing around with all the different filters etc in PSE haven't got a clue which ones just kept playing until I liked what I saw. Could the quality be due to me resizing it so that I could post it here? I couldn't remember how to do it and I seem to remember some months ago I saw some instructions on how to resize but after a couple of hours searching I couldn't find them. I just kept resizing it on PSE until it would load up to the forum. As you have probably guessed I know absolutely nothing about editing. Thank you both I love what you have both done with it
Not a High Key person, but?? Ed.