Mistakes are a natural part of any learning process. Everybody makes them and we all have a learning speed. An old proverb says that smart people learn from their mistakes and wise people learn from the mistakes of others. If such is the case, There are 9 of the most common rookie photographer mistakes.
Whoops, I'm definitely guilty of #1 in some of my shots - they feel like they need a better subject. I'm more of an abstract/nature kind of guy and the subject is sometimes to be found by the viewer alone.
But I don't agree with #9: "Relying on gear to do the work". While I do agree that you have to learn how to properly use your camera, I don't think that there's anything wrong with using Auto modes. They were created by intelligent, professional people who knew a ton about photography, and a lot of the times I'll take a picture in Manual mode, then test the same shot in Auto, only to find a better picture due to a setting I'd never think of. Using this Manual, then Auto method actually improved my technique.