Thought some of you might be interrested. Not to persuade people from Shuttertalk. Just another forum that has a similar layout and seems very good.
Thanks for the link Petographer, it seems very interesting indeed...
I hope Jules doesn't mind me posting the link. I'm not trying to steer people from this forum. I would think that most people visit more than one.
I just signed up.
Not to worry Jules, I am a shuttertalk at heart. Anything else is just playtime.
Thanks for the link - I'll add it to the resources section.
Lol... and no, I don't mind - wide readership is encouraged...

shuttertalk Wrote:Thanks for the link - I'll add it to the resources section. 
Lol... and no, I don't mind - wide readership is encouraged... 
Where 2-3 people from here visit there, 5-6 from there will likley visit here.
Petographer Wrote:Where 2-3 people from here visit there, 5-6 from there will likley visit here.
Haha lol.. if you could add a Shuttertalk link in your signature, it would be good