DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Pincusion / Barrel Distortion
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At wide angles, most zoom lenses exhibit barrel distortion, where lines appear to bulge out. Conversely, at the telephoto end, pincushion distortion makes lines sink inwards like an hourglass. Some zoom lenses cope better than others - ultra zooms are notorious for displaying above average levels.

In everyday shots though, do you get concerned by it? Have you ever had an image spoilt by distortion?

It's all a bit subjective in reality. Yes, it is a measurable effect, but unless it's extreme, it's not really an issue.

Ah........... Unless you paid £1000 for the lens! :o
It has never really been an issue for me. There is a certain software available for correcting barrel distortion. Sledge has it and is quite good with it but I could never figure it out.
hmm. very often i like wide angle distortion Big Grin

but for the other times, there's: PT Lens

easy to use, works great! and it's free...
PSP9 has barrel/pincushion/fisheye distortion correction. It's not that difficult to use, actually...