DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Dove Couple Together in the Rain
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[Image: dovesSM.jpg]
That is beautiful! Excellent Shot!!!
Thanks Jeff
Don You have such a distinctive style which causes me at least to stop and think and that must surely a big part of photography is about! Cheers always, Jeff
Cool shot! I like it when birds ruffle their feathers like that. Smile
(Apr 20, 2015, 15:43)Freeman Wrote: [ -> ]Don You have such a distinctive style which causes me at least to stop and think and that must surely a big part of photography is about! Cheers always, Jeff
Thanks very much, Jeff.

(Apr 20, 2015, 23:00)kNox Wrote: [ -> ]Cool shot! I like it when birds ruffle their feathers like that. Smile
Thanks Knox