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Full Version: Post And Chain
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[Image: PostAndChain.jpg]
Nice! Maybe try a b/w version?

uuhmmm im not much of a abstract pixs, but i will comment on something.

try to include more of the invorement will give more (say more)to the pix. also use the sun more, if possible way a bit longer for those warm tones of the sunset.

Well, I'm a big fan of abstract photos (as you probably know) - so let me share some of my thoughts...

I believe that I am seeing what you see in this shot - I think the key elements of the photo are the top third of the pole, the connection between the chain and the pole, the shadow of the chain on the pole, and the leading line into the picture created by the flow of the chain.

If it were my shot (and I realize that everybody has their own style - so feel free to discard my comments) - I would crop in quite a bit tighter to highlight the "important" parts of the image. I am sure that everybody is getting tired of hearing this from me?

I see 2 possible crops:

1. Vertical - crop off half of the space to the left of the pole, half of the space above the pole - and 2 thirds of the space to the right (2/3 of the chain) Leave the bottom as it is.

2. Horizontal - (very tight crop) Crop off all of the ocean on the top, and go just a fraction below the bottom of the shadow of the chain on the bottom. Leave just a small bit of space to the left of the pole and crop the chain heavily. I would leave only about a link and a half to the right of the rust spot on the chain.

As I say - feel free to ignore these suggestions - I think a tighter crop however would highlight the key elements of the subject better.

Best Regards
Tks Toad... I think you're right, however I can't crop. Irma has taken the closeups of the post and will post one of them soon. If I crop mine it will look to similar to hers, she'd probably do something nasty to me (like setting up the dinner table just for one)! Big Grin
Safety first, Guerito!