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Full Version: Three Butterflies
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All taken using a Nikon D300 and Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 lens.

Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus
I've posted two images of this species because it's one that I rarely see in my area.
[Image: Holly%20Blue2_zpssvszn0hc.jpg]

[Image: Holly%20Blue_zpsavcq0f0h.jpg]

Gatekeeper - Pyronia tithonus
[Image: Gatekeeper_zpsjquofmsq.jpg]

Comma - Polygonia c-album
[Image: Comma_zpsk6zgicmy.jpg]

Great Series.
great photos.
Nice series!
You have the magic touch Peter. Ed.
Why can I not get shots like these!

Smashing, Peter, as always.

Regards, Jeff
I absolutely positively love these - great job!
Thank's all for your comments on the butterflies - my favorite subjects. A wish that will never come to fruition is to visit warmer climes, observe and photograph the exotic species.
Hi Peter

Inspired by your comma butterfly rendition, I thought I would see what I could do today - here it is - it surely lacks your touch though...



(Jul 28, 2015, 15:29)Freeman Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Peter

Inspired by your comma butterfly rendition, I thought I would see what I could do today - here it is - it surely lacks your touch though...


Nice second image Jeff - showing the small white 'comma' on the hind underwing which gives the butterfly it's name.
Thanks, Peter, I shall keep trying with butterfly images - some way off yet! All the best, Jeff
Ah, so it's one of those 'I know it's a butterfly' but I don't know the make & model. Although of course we are fortunate to have members here who have the expertise to enlighten the rest of us, 'hopefully'!!

Nikon D300, F10, 640th Sec, exp-bias -0.7, 200mm, Manual Exp.

(Jul 30, 2015, 09:23)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, so it's one of those 'I know it's a butterfly' but I don't know the make & model. Although of course we are fortunate to have members here who have the expertise to enlighten the rest of us, 'hopefully'!!

Nikon D300, F10, 640th Sec, exp-bias -0.7, 200mm, Manual Exp.

Nice shot of the Peacock Phil; and good to see another D300 in action.