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Full Version: Bee Balm Heaven
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[Image: 19818790189_67cf53daef_z_d.jpg]

[Image: 20010702121_9b8c619a8c_z_d.jpg]
Wow! The out of focus blob on the bottom of the first one is distracting though.
(Jul 25, 2015, 20:30)Don Schaeffer Wrote: [ -> ]Wow! The out of focus blob on the bottom of the first one is distracting though.

Interesting comment - the comments on flickr are somewhat different , but then it is just a matter of perspective and personal preference isn't it Smile But I am inclined to agree with you the blob should have gone .
No Pics, link, seems dead. Ed.
Now only half dead. Ed.
very nice! i love the sharp detail in the feathers. i'm amazed you managed to get one of these little buggers in flight at all, much less in such wonderful images.
Terrific shots well composed. Thanks for sharing.
Blame my comments on Win. 10!!, seems ok, back on XP.
Great shots, no EXIF data, what are the Technical details. Thanks. Ed.
(Jul 26, 2015, 06:37)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Blame my comments on Win. 10!!, seems ok, back on XP.
Great shots, no EXIF data, what are the Technical details. Thanks. Ed.

Exposure Program - Manual
ISO - 900
Shutter Speed - 2000
F 6.3
No flash

Camera/Lens. More thanks. Ed.
(Jul 26, 2015, 10:02)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Camera/Lens. More thanks. Ed.

Nikon D7100
Tamron 150-600mm

Hi John These are wonderful shots and you must be delighted with them. The background on the first is super - maybe you were on the ground looking up with the sky behind the bird. The blob should go though as others have said - it might work by simply eliminating the bottom of the picture. You have done amazingly well to get the wings sharp, even at 1/2000. For your encouragement, I have recently had a hummingbird photo published in a travel mag (it's also here on the forum somewhere I think) and I reckon your shot is as good or better - though I might also lighten the shadows and move the contrast or clarity slider along very slightly to try and get a bit of definition in the bird feathers. (I'm assuming there has been some Lightroom or similar adjustments as the second shot has a slight halo around the bird?). Where did you take these pictures? If nearby, keep going. And why not try for publication. Regards and looking forward to seeing lots more of your images! Jeff