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came upon an abandoned school house in rural idaho from a vacation a few years ago. i'm planning on being in the area in a few weeks, i may have to find this place again if it's still standing.
[Image: p284566458-4.jpg]

canon 5d mkii and 24-70mm f/2.8 L @ 24mm
1/100 sec
iso 160
Wonderful image, great exposure and composition. Perfect sky for this image.
unfortunately, those lovely clouds were rain clouds that soon turned to snow when the temperature dropped. so the week we had planned on the other side of those mountains in grand teton national park turned into a week long ride through some of the heaviest foggy downpours i've ever seen.
My first trip to Monument Valley went that way, heavy rain and thunderstorms. Was in the Grand Teton's a few years ago and had fantastic weather which was bonus and a curse, meant that the roads were crowded by tourists!
(Aug 5, 2015, 10:18)EnglishBob Wrote: [ -> ]My first trip to Monument Valley went that way, heavy rain and thunderstorms. Was in the Grand Teton's a few years ago and had fantastic weather which was bonus and a curse, meant that the roads were crowded by tourists!

we head back to the tetons and up through montana every few years. best vacations ever. haven't made it to monument valley yet, that's on the list..
Really impressive.