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Took this photo under very bright light conditions

[Image: 20367798882_6afa40daa3_z_d.jpg]
Nicely captured, some type of quail?
That is a very good portrait of the bird, John. Perhaps in future you could post your images at 900 pixels wide, to give us an even better view.

(Aug 9, 2015, 09:03)EnglishBob Wrote: [ -> ]Nicely captured, some type of quail?

A California Quail - abundant all over the Pacific Northwest

We get quail down here in the foothills around the San Joaquin Valley, but they tend to be a light brown colour, and I've only ever seen them scurrying along the ground.
Excellent, what camera/lens, settings etc. Ta Ed.
lovely portrait of a quail.
(Aug 9, 2015, 14:22)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent, what camera/lens, settings etc. Ta Ed.

Nikon D7100
Tamron 150-600mm
ISO - 100
Shutter Speed - 1/250
Exposure Program - Manual

How do you like that Tamron? Keep comparing the Sigma and Tamron 600's.
(Aug 10, 2015, 00:47)EnglishBob Wrote: [ -> ]How do you like that Tamron? Keep comparing the Sigma and Tamron 600's.

For the price it is a bargain - very sharp ( a bit soft @ 600mm ) with little distortion . The auto focus is surprisingly quite fast . Subjects in motion are more susceptible to blurriness even at fairly high shutter speeds but a solid tripod with a smooth gimbal head can help to compensate somewhat .
Thanks for the input and feedback. I already use teh Sigma 50-500 which is also a heavy piece of glass so am used to using a monopod and ballhead for support.
That is beautiful! Excellent Shot!!!