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Full Version: Photo Share Assignment (Types of Photography): Black & White Photography
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Canon 5D3 20-200 f2.8Lii 1/500 f9 ISO800 182mm

what do you think Guy's taken with black and white in mind, the background is noisy but I think it adds to the aged feel of the image.

Is it me or has the lady got her hands on the wrong arms!
It is a good capture of an animated conversation.

I wonder if it might be worth trying to get a bit more separation of the foreground subjects from the background scene, as the tones are similar in both areas. I think the background is important, so I wouldn't want to blur it any more, but it might work if it were made either slightly darker (or lighter) and with reduced contrast, compared with the foreground.

well, it keeps telling me "the link is broken"so,if anyone can see the pic
or tell me what is going wrong I would be most grateful Angry
caveman. Don't know what you are trying to do, but why not just upload your image to the forum? It is so easy.
Here is a reply I posted to a previous problem uploading images. Assuming you have the images on your device.

You have to click the NEW REPLY button. That gives you extended options.
Then it is just a case of Choose file, Add Attachment and then Inset Into Post. If you then Preview Post you will see post with a marker for the image. If you are happy then click Post Reply.
It is nice if you give the exposure details with the image. Saves us all hunting for them!
I set all mine to a max size of 916 pixels. That is the max size the site posts and any larger is scaled down. Large files also take time to load, especially if, like me, you have rubbish broadband!!
(Feb 6, 2016, 15:23)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]Here is a reply I posted to a previous problem uploading images. Assuming you have the images on your device.

You have to click the NEW REPLY button. That gives you extended options.
Then it is just a case of Choose file, Add Attachment and then Inset Into Post. If you then Preview Post you will see post with a marker for the image. If you are happy then click Post Reply.
It is nice if you give the exposure details with the image. Saves us all hunting for them!
I set all mine to a max size of 916 pixels. That is the max size the site posts and any larger is scaled down. Large files also take time to load, especially if, like me, you have rubbish broadband!!

Thanks Jocko, I have no problem with taking pics but when it comes to pc,s
I'm lost! seems to be getting more complicated I have short term memory
probs of late!i think I may have managed to put a couple of more pics up some-
where on here if you find them let me knowHuh. thanks againSmile

maybe this time?Undecided
well! it appears to have worked,thanks jocko!
Some will argue that it is not a black and white image, but I like it.
(Feb 7, 2016, 06:09)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]Some will argue that it is not a black and white image, but I like it.

almost b/wSmile,thanks jocko.

both taken with cannon eos 1200

cannon ixus 160, 1/640sec f 3.25
Now that one is right up my street.
(Feb 7, 2016, 10:48)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]Now that one is right up my street.

Taken yesterday at Shoreham harbour Sussex,with a little cannon Ixus that I
carry with me all the timeSmile

cannon Ixus160 1/320sec F3.25

Hi,gang. Went out today took a few snaps,didnt stay out long though!
eye watering, finger numbing coldConfused

Good images. The middle one is very nicely balanced.
A nice mono set. The third boat is an enjoyable fun shot but looks just a bit over-exposed so, for me, the boats in the 1st and 2nd look better. The backgrounds in the 2nd and 3rd look rather incongruous, with the pebble beach apparently not sloping down to the sea! Perhaps I'm totally wrong, but there seems to be a hint of sea in the 1st and, if so, I would want to make it a bit more obvious, as the background seems rather dazzling there.


(Feb 12, 2016, 17:39)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]A nice mono set. The third boat is an enjoyable fun shot but looks just a bit over-exposed so, for me, the boats in the 1st and 2nd look better. The backgrounds in the 2nd and 3rd look rather incongruous, with the pebble beach apparently not sloping down to the sea! Perhaps I'm totally wrong, but there seems to be a hint of sea in the 1st and, if so, I would want to make it a bit more obvious, as the background seems rather dazzling there.


yep,quite agreeSmile

another from yesterday
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