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Full Version: Photo Share Assignment (Types of Photography): Black & White Photography
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Looks very old fashioned. Only the cars give it away.
(Feb 26, 2016, 15:53)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]Looks very old fashioned. Only the cars give it away.

that's a problem these days,all the heckle and peckle of modern lifeUndecided
[Image: 5cyjcp.jpg]

canon Ixus 160
[Image: mc7w2o.jpg]

got bored in menswear!Rolleyes
Someone was in Tesco.
(Feb 27, 2016, 14:26)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]Someone was in Tesco.

well spotted, a chap has to do something photographic in the
most mundane situationsBig Grin
Super, well spotted. Ed.
[Image: tv6Tplu.jpg]

looking towards lieth hill surrey
of course that is Leith HillBlush
[Image: 9UivPAa.jpg]

the pond
canon eos1200d f7.1 1/50 iso 100 18mm
[Image: JjpgUKW.jpg]

Bushy park London
canon 1200d f5.61/2000 iso1250 300mm
[Image: F2E07AC.jpg]

canon 1200d f5.6 1/2000 iso1000 300mm
Coal Shed

Nikon d5100,18-55 kit zoom @ 48mm, 1/125th second, f/5.6, ISO 1600

[Image: 26372424361_740ffc6b08_z.jpg]

I really like that.
Super, gritty. Ed.
Nasty. Ed.
[Image: NQNcBYd.jpg?1]

Croydon Aerodrome
That is excellent, John. Well spotted.
John, Super, perhaps clone out the Top Right, eye catching. Ed.
Excellent shot, Caveman. Aircraft, odd angles and mono - we're on the same wavelength! Smile

[Image: 24064804055_51f7035603.jpg]

Fuji x-pro with a 35mm lens if I remember rightly.

And, it's a great wavelength. Ed.
(Apr 15, 2016, 10:30)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]And, it's a great wavelength. Ed.

As photographers, presumably it's the Light Programme?

Well, they are switched on!! Ed.
Straw Bales on Trailer

Canon Powershot SX40HS

f3.5 1/200 ISO 100
Like that one too.
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