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Purton Hulks

The remains of old boats and barges deliberate sunk on the bank of the Severn at Purton to help prevent erosion. Some of the barges are great concrete things, others, like these are wood and have become mere skeletons.

Both these were taken on the little Fuji x100s with an ND filter and resulting long(ish)) exposure.

[Image: 18803838592_378d5db199_c.jpg]

[Image: 18651647678_1104170978_c.jpg]
Very,very goodSmile
(Apr 15, 2016, 08:09)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]That is excellent, John. Well spotted.
Thanks JohnSmile
(Apr 15, 2016, 09:36)delb0y Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent shot, Caveman. Aircraft, odd angles and mono - we're on the same wavelength! Smile

[Image: 24064804055_51f7035603.jpg]

Fuji x-pro with a 35mm lens if I remember rightly.

Yep,seems soSmile

(Apr 15, 2016, 10:30)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]And, it's a great wavelength. Ed.
Thank you sir,just remembered,you are ex RAF.
Ed,Mr B
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
[Image: rvY7hUK.jpg?1]

another from Chatham dockyard
[Image: VxfSmfG.jpg?1]
One more for the black and white theme Sparrow from Dungeness.

Cracker. Ed.
The Boss: Wild Hare Club, Hereford...one for skills application from the others on this thread I think!!!
(Apr 17, 2016, 03:17)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Cracker. Ed.

oh yes!
[attachment=6132]Here is the twin seat Spitfire from Biggin Hill being used by Classic Wings at Duxford for flights in a spitfire for 20 mins if you have a cool £3500 in spare change in your back pocket.
Pentax K3 II f10 1/1000sec ISO400 Tamron 18 - 200mm XR Di II Tone mapped in Photomatix.
(Apr 19, 2016, 07:26)Dougson Wrote: [ -> ]Here is the twin seat Spitfire from Biggin Hill being used by Classic Wings at Duxford for flights in a spitfire for 20 mins if you have a cool £3500 in spare change in your back pocket.

Great shot!HOW MUCH! I'll have two pleaseSmile
[attachment=6133]Details of the other spitfire photo.
I've just noticed if you look in the cockpit you can see the Pilots Fob Watch attached to the Console.
(Apr 19, 2016, 07:31)caveman Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr 19, 2016, 07:26)Dougson Wrote: [ -> ]Here is the twin seat Spitfire from Biggin Hill being used by Classic Wings at Duxford for flights in a spitfire for 20 mins if you have a cool £3500 in spare change in your back pocket.

Great shot!HOW MUCH! I'll have two pleaseSmile
Hi John sorry but no space for a Camera !Confused
Lovely images. Which reminds me. I have a flying lesson in a fortnights time. I'll get my Mrs to take some snaps.
Crackers Doug, 1st one, try cloning out the plane to the left, and the Path in front of the port wing leading edge, same tone as general concrete, makes the wing prominent, icing on an already great cake. Believe the waiting list is about 2 years. Cheers. Ed.
Smashing photos - love the second one with all the exhaust smoke come from the engine. I'd actually like to see them in colour - just wonder if colour might separate the Spitfire from the background a little more? But cracking shots!
(Apr 19, 2016, 15:21)delb0y Wrote: [ -> ]Smashing photos - love the second one with all the exhaust smoke come from the engine. I'd actually like to see them in colour - just wonder if colour might separate the Spitfire from the background a little more? But cracking shots!

Hi Delboy I will post later that four letter word "Work" gets in the way, just not sure where to post it.
Regards Doug
(Apr 20, 2016, 01:07)Dougson Wrote: [ -> ]...that four letter word "Work" gets in the way, just not sure where to post it.
Regards Doug

Tell me about it! That's why, in general, I post little during the week and a bit at weekend.

Still, one day it'll be our turn to put our feet up and let the rest keep the wheels of commerce and industry turning Undecided

(Apr 20, 2016, 01:45)delb0y Wrote: [ -> ]let the rest keep the wheels of commerce and industry turning

And I thank you for that.
(Apr 16, 2016, 02:12)delb0y Wrote: [ -> ]Purton Hulks

The remains of old boats and barges deliberate sunk on the bank of the Severn at Purton to help prevent erosion. Some of the barges are great concrete things, others, like these are wood and have become mere skeletons.

Both these were taken on the little Fuji x100s with an ND filter and resulting long(ish)) exposure.

[Image: 18803838592_378d5db199_c.jpg]

[Image: 18651647678_1104170978_c.jpg]
Nice Photo's mate
Regards Doug
(Apr 20, 2016, 02:33)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr 20, 2016, 01:45)delb0y Wrote: [ -> ]let the rest keep the wheels of commerce and industry turning

And I thank you for that.

That's ok! Jocko I'm glad you appreciate it
Here's a couple of my favourite Mono images.

Desert Light Beams:
5DIII, F/8.0, 36mm, ISO 100, 3 image HDR.
[Image: 21579411655_e040ecfc66_b.jpg]

Confederate Line from 2005!
Canon 300D, F/8.0, 238mm, 1/400, ISO 100
[Image: 3272807699_d07cfbbb62_z.jpg?zz=1]
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