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Full Version: Photo Share Assignment (Types of Photography): Black & White Photography
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Taken with borrowed compact, about 2006/7 no idea what I was doing, (What's new)!
Brother-in-law's bike, he has 7, everything done by him, no external help, everything works, he is talented, joiner by profession. His Lotus Elan restoration is amazing. Think this is 30's. Ed.
Beautiful bike and cracking photograph.
So from now on It shall be Ed ( Jiggery Pokery ) Mak ! Yes !!!!!
(Apr 24, 2016, 02:15)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Taken with borrowed compact, about 2006/7 no idea what I was doing, (What's new)!
Brother-in-law's bike, he has 7, everything done by him, no external help, everything works, he is talented, joiner by profession. His Lotus Elan restoration is amazing. Think this is 30's. Ed.

Flamin ell Ed you'd never know it was made out of notty pine would you !!!

So from now on It shall be Ed ( Jiggery Pokery ) Mak ! Yes !!!!!

Further confusion, usual name, Walter, Ed a bit of middle name.

Until I was 13, thought my first name was, shut up. AKA?

[attachment=6165]Another of the Duxford Twin seat Spitfire Processed in Lightroom, then put through Photomatix finally converted to B/W in Elements
Have you tried Nik Silver Efex Pro 2?
(Apr 24, 2016, 14:57)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]Have you tried Nik Silver Efex Pro 2?

Hi John I tried to download it last week but it just stopped downloading so I'll try it again .
[attachment=6198]Here you are Silver Efex Pro nailed into lightroom well there is certainly a lot of choice
I found an old bottle of sepia toner and dunked the printer in it. I think the coming weeks will be spent looking at a computer screen, but this week end I'm going to a heavy metal concert 'well Bovindon Tank Museum' where they will be rolling out the Tiger Tank and other WW11 beasties then spending Sunday morning trying out the AK47 & the SLR and making some holes in some targets.
When I went to the Bovington Tank Museum last October, nothing was moving that day. So photography was made more difficult with all the extraneous museum stuff around the exhibits, and so I chose to get fairly close compositions. Nevertheless, it's a great place to visit, lots of vehicles on show, very interesting. Here are two, the old and the newer - 1st is a Mark II WW1 Tank, and I think the 2nd is a Challenger Tank; no doubt someone here will know.

[ ISO 2000; zoom at 29mm; f/8; 1/30s; -2EV ]

[ ISO 2500; zoom at 28mm; f/8; 1/30s ]

[ Both captured hand-held, using a 20-40mm zoom on a Pentax K-5 IIs, in Aperture Priority Mode. Colour JPEGs from camera, converted to mono and other enhancements in PaintShop Pro X8. ]

(Apr 29, 2016, 17:18)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]When I went to the Bovington Tank Museum last October, nothing was moving that day. So photography was made more difficult with all the extraneous museum stuff around the exhibits, and so I chose to get fairly close compositions. Nevertheless, it's a great place to visit, lots of vehicles on show, very interesting. Here are two, the old and the newer - 1st is a Mark II WW1 Tank, and I think the 2nd is a Challenger Tank; no doubt someone here will know.

[ ISO 2000; zoom at 29mm; f/8; 1/30s; -2EV ]

[ ISO 2500; zoom at 28mm; f/8; 1/30s ]

[ Both captured hand-held, using a 20-40mm zoom on a Pentax K-5 IIs, in Aperture Priority Mode. Colour JPEGs from camera, converted to mono and other enhancements in PaintShop Pro X8. ]


Hi Phillip
It's nice there are two Pentaxians on here !
They're letting the Tiger loose today & the Firefly so it should be a very busy day.
Get's better. Ed.
(Apr 30, 2016, 01:05)Dougson Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Phillip
It's nice there are two Pentaxians on here !

Yes Doug, we have chosen well! Smile If you haven't yet seen it, I have commented here:
but I now have a K-5 IIs and a K-S2.

Hope you have a great time with the tanks and other weapons - it will be good to see a few of your photos, perhaps start a new thread for military vehicles?

[Image: MBsTR4u.jpg?1]

the weather has been lively lately!
A while since I have done any Black & White.

Nikon D80, 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 VR lens, Manual mode, 1/1000sec, f32, ISO 200, converted to B&W using Silver Efex Pro.
Well that makes two of us then John. Still very new to B&W. The colour version was taken in 2012 with my then Coolpix P500.
1/800sec @ f/ 4.5, ISO 160. 4mm ( 23mm equiv ). Converted to B&W using Silver Efex Pro 2.


Cheers, Mike.

[Image: qmSSnqj.jpg?1]

spinnaker tower portsmouth
No information about when and how it was captured, and how the final image was produced?

I like the composition, but perhaps the processing should visually separate the structure from the background a bit more?

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