I travel allot and photography is my hobby, I am a new owner of Of a Olympus
OMD-E-M1. Anyone else in this forum use a mirrorless camera? I am still learning.
Nice to be here.
Welcome Mary.
Sorry, but I do not use mirrorless. You will, no doubt, get plenty of help and advice from ever willing members on this site.
Settle in and enjoy.
Regards, Mike.
(Nov 15, 2015, 05:51)Browser Mike Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome Mary.
Sorry, but I do not use mirrorless. You will, no doubt, get plenty of help and advice from ever willing members on this site.
Settle in and enjoy.
Regards, Mike.
Thanks Mike,
Looking forward to hear from others, and learning more about photography!
Welcome Mary. I am new here myself, but everyone seems very friendly and helpful.
Hello and welcome to the photography forums! Nice to have you here!
Please make yourself at home here!