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I'm a new boy here, well an old man really from Winnipeg Canada.
I've just ordered a Canon T6s to replace my Canon 50D, I was intending to also purchase a Sigma 18-300mm lens as well, but most dealers are out of stock, is it just that popular or it there a concern with the Canon mount?

Welcome to Shuttertalk Brian.

I think the 18-300 is just that popular, the few people I know with them seem very happy.

Out of curiouisty, did you just feel like a change or was the 50D giving you problems? I had to replace mine earlier this year when it started giving me issues with the shutter button.
(Nov 18, 2015, 18:20)EnglishBob Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to Shuttertalk Brian.

I think the 18-300 is just that popular, the few people I know with them seem very happy.

Out of curiouisty, did you just feel like a change or was the 50D giving you problems? I had to replace mine earlier this year when it started giving me issues with the shutter button.

Hi Bob,
No problems at all with the 50D, I just needed to lighten up on my gear, selling the camera and 2 lenses.
Going with the T6s and just that one Sigma lens will do all I need.
On a different note, I notice your EnglishBob, does that mean your from England, we moved from the UK to Winnipeg back in 1977, bad move.

Welcome Brian.
You will find some Brits and Ex Pats on this site. Which part did you come from ?. I am based in Staffordshire. You have picked a good site. Plenty of friendly and helpful folk on here. Enjoy.
Regards, Mike
I was originally a Derbyshire Lad, moved to California 15 years ago, Great move.
Welcome, Brian. I am fairly new here myself but I find it an interesting and extremely friendly site.
Welcome aboard! Nice to have you here as a member!
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the welcome.
I'm from Portsmouth, home of Lord Nelson, we move hear in 1977, we have two son's also here in Winnipeg, one is a Funeral director, and the other is a graphic artist/photographer working a lot in the movie industry.

Missed this. A belated, but warm, Welcome. Ed.
(Nov 19, 2015, 17:06)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Missed this. A belated, but warm, Welcome. Ed.

Thanks Ed.

I don`t know the country in which you reside Brian, but looking on the Sigma website here in Britain, there doesn`t seem to be a Sigma 18 - 300 lens in their current range. Looking at the Tamron website however, they do an 18 - 270 lens which is from a company that produces optical merchandise of similar quality to Sigma and the prices of their lenses size for size, are not much different. This may be an alternative route to go down, if you draw a blank with a new or used piece of kit.

(Nov 20, 2015, 07:09)gavioli Wrote: [ -> ]I don`t know the country in which you reside Brian, but looking on the Sigma website here in Britain, there doesn`t seem to be a Sigma 18 - 300 lens in their current range. Looking at the Tamron website however, they do an 18 - 270 lens which is from a company that produces optical merchandise of similar quality to Sigma and the prices of their lenses size for size, are not much different. This may be an alternative route to go down, if you draw a blank with a new or used piece of kit.
Hi Gavioli,
You may want to check again, it showing on the Sigma UK web site.
It's also expensive in the UK, less here in Canada and the U.S.


Thanks Brian, I`ll do that. I must admit though, that I was under the mild influence of the fruit of the grape when I wrote it and my mind has never been strong anyway. Apologies.

Welcome to the forum Brian. 'Better late than never' welcoming you on my part I guess!!

Hope you settle in and start posting some of your photos. As you've found out we're a friendly bunch here and have the privilege to have some really talented photographers/photoshoppers/graphic artists who contribute and sometimes post their work here. A word of warning though, this place can become addictive. You can spend a great many hours looking through the work of other members, when you should be doing the washing up. At least, that's what I've found. Smile

Best regards.
