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Full Version: Rope Coils
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[Image: Rope%20Coils.jpg]
Interesting... whenever I think of rope coils I think of symmertry. However, I think it's a bit disorganised and my eyes find it hard to find a subject...

Perhaps your famous close up cropping might do some justice here, Mr T Big Grin
Maybe you are right. This is already only about 1/30 of the original frame... Smile

...but what the heck...(the classic Toad crop)...

[Image: Rope%20Coils%20tight.jpg]
...and just for laughs - the original...

[Image: ropes.jpg]
Lol... I actually like the original the best! This one has a definite subject and the ropes sort of lead you into the frame. Big Grin
I knew you'ld say that...
I prefer the original too.

Suggests a story. Wink