Here are a couple of old shots (10 plus years ago) of Dunnottar Castle, on Scotland's east coast.
Fuji S602, 1/500 sec, f5.6, ISO 160, 150mm lens equivalent.
Fuji S602, 1/1250 sec, f5.6, ISO 160, 70mm lens equivalent.
My goodness - stunning images
Good compositions and colours, John. Have you used PaintShop Pro on these two?
No Philip. I haven't got to grips with PaintShop Pro yet. I have been going through some of my old photos trying to improve them using Lightroom 6.2. Silk purses and pig's ears spring to mind. Some come up fine but most were done for after the first round of post-processing, all those years ago.
John, in that case, if you have done a complete install, you might like to try opening one of your old JPEG images in the PSP editor and clicking on the Perfectly Clear plug-in (Effects menu - Plugins - Perfectly Clear). The result of the edit offered (I.e. without changing anything) can sometimes be surprisingly pleasing.
Gave that a try on a randomly chosen shot. Here are the before and after images using the "Detail" option.
Works quite well.
Yes, it often does quite a good job, as it has here! And, of course, that is just a tip of an iceberg in PSP!