canon 5D3 100 f2.8 l macro @ 1/200 ISO 100 f20 + flash
I dabble with macro, and have tried focus stacking with limited results, but I have developed my own version of a two head macro flash.
With the Canon macro twin flash being neary £500.00, I was encourgaed to come up with someting that would be as good but with a healthy reduction in price, it's made up from flash mounting ring two mini ballheads two Merkie MK300 mini flashes that have ETTL and manual modes combined with three Yongnuo YN-622C ETTL flash triggers they all me to use the external flash function on the 5D3 so I can adjust and balance the flash output in manual mode to greate light and shade, and i use two home made flash diffusers to soften the light. All purchased for much less than half the cost of the Canon macro flash
Ingenuity like that that won us an Empire. Lovely bit of kit and an excellent image.
The poor Lilly must have been terrified when that machine came towards her - did you do what the Prince would have done and whisper comforting words to her during the shoot?
Seriously, that is an amazing flash set-up, and an amazing macro photo of the flower. Given that there must be almost no depth-of-field, you have done really well to get sharpness in several stamens and the stigma.
Impressive stuff.
Somehow I missed this one Eddy. Absolutely superb. You have now given me a target to aim for in my efforts. Thanks for posting.
Cheers, Mike.
Thank you Gentlemen your comments are most generous.