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(Aug 16, 2016, 02:01)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]Here is one from Saturday, taken while I waited on the excursion special arriving. This shows a pair of Scotrail Class 158's, used on the Fife Circle line, departing Kirkcaldy for Thornton/Glenrothes.

Nikon D80, Manual mode, 70-300mm f4.5-5.6 Nikon VR lens, 1/400 sec, f5.6, ISO 250, 300mm lens equivalent, Processed in Lightroom and Nik Software.

I see we have another 'Jocko' triumph here John. It's a great shot, full of interesting stuff without being cluttered. Is there something in the Scottish Genes or something? You and Ed seem to consistently 'come up with the goods'. Smile.


Couldn't get a good angle on this one - she was tucked away in a siding and I had to stick to the platform - plenty of guards about watching out for trespassers!

[Image: 29656716713_6d2cb7b36a_z.jpg]

The Princess Elizabeth In The Sidings by Derek Rutherford, on Flickr
Love the atmosphere in this one Derek, the lighting works very well.
Love that image Del.
Great shot Derek. Must agree with Craig's comments. Did you use a Starlight filter ?.
Thanks guys. No Mike, I didn't use a starlight. It was the Nikon D7100 with a 50mm 1.8d prime (my new toy! £60 off eBay). Settings were f/2.8 1/50th and ISO 1250 on account of I didn't have a tripod and it was very dark. No idea what caused the lights to come out that way but I'm happy they did.

I'd been to photography class and the lecturer mentioned that this train was in the sidings at Gloucester but would be gone the next day (it had a problem with a valve and had to rest up whilst the part cooled enough to be fixed). Luckily I had the camera with me (even though it was a theory class this week) and so I stopped off on the way home and asked the station master if I could go and take some photos. But for safety reasons I wasn't allowed into the yard and had to take this from one of the platforms, albeit a remote one.
What more could you ask for. Terrific price on a 50mm prime, steady hands at 1/50th, and a tip-off from someone in the know. All this followed by a great shot.
All came together. Ed.
Was Driving home from a head shot session for a local firm of attorneys and grabbed this while stuck at a level crossing.

5DIII, 1/1000s, f/4.0, ISO 400, 36mm.

[Image: 31172898346_9a70e63ed2_b.jpg]
Santa Fe Train by Craig Hadfield, on Flickr
Nice photo. General Electric Dash 9's. Not a lot of separation between road and rail there.
I would say in this country, Health and Safety would have a field day. Good capture. Ed.
Yeah, that's the main Line for Passenger and frieght from southern to northern Cali, including LA to San Fran.... runs straight through the heart of downtown Fresno, I think there are two under passes, two bridges and everything else is just like that, guarded crossings.
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